Edolas! Hughes x Reader | Cruel Fate | Part 3

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『 Cruel Fate 』

"Princess [Name]? King Jellal has requested for your presence" Someone called from the door.

"Just a minute" I called before signing the document, placing it on the small pile of papers already there. I fixed the tiara on my head before walking out with Coco in front of me.

"What does he want now?"

"His Majesty didn't say" she smiled up at me. "I'll be outside the door"

As she stopped walking, I knocked on the door.

"Come in" he said and I stifled a giggle upon hearing his tired voice.

"What does my tired brother need now?" I asked, smiling.

"Something's happened on the beach in the countryside. There've been reports of strange people causing havoc. I trust you and I know you've taken lessons with Erza, so I want you to ride their with your guard and find out what's happening"

"You can't trust your guards?" I wondered aloud.

"It's not that, I need them in the castle and city just in case. And you were complaining about the sights here again weren't you?" Jellal asked. "Of course I could always send someone else"

"No! I'll gladly go" I quickly said. "When do I leave?"

"As soon as possible, and don't tell anyone else, go straight there and back. I do not need a panic in the kingdom, especially after what happened a month ago."

I nodded.

"I'll leave right now then" I nodded and left. "Don't overwork yourself"

"Coco, please bring Hughes to my room" I asked her.

"Of course!!" She quickly sprinted off to the direction of the training grounds. I smiled, watching her go.

I quickly walked to my room, changing into more suitable clothes before there was a knock on the door.

"Come in" I said, grabbing a cloak off the hook.

"You wanted to see me, Princess?" I heard Hughes say.

"How many times, Hughes. It's [Name]" I said, sighing and placing my tiara on the table.

"Of course" he smiled. Ever since my Father was exiled, he's been more open around me. "But what is it?"

"Jellal said that there might be something happening on the countryside beach"

"And the King needed to send you because?" He raised a eyebrow, leaning on the wall.

"Well, I can't be stuck in the castle forever can I?" I retorted, walking out the door. "Now come on, I can always leave you behind if you want"

"No, I'm your guard I have to come" he stood properly to follow me. "Or else your brother will personally make sure that I am dead"

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