Laxus x Reader | Grateful

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Requested by CaraJanineLove1996

Well, hope you like it!

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

The whole Fairy Tail guild watched in anticipation on the third day of the Grand Magic Games, watching as Erza took on the monsters in Pandemonium.

"I'm going for some fresh air" [Name] sighed, standing up. "I'll be back for the matches"

"Are feeling alright?" Levy asked her.

"I'm fine, I just feel sick watching the guys in Raven Tail" [Name] smiled at Levy, waving. "I'll be perfectly fine. Promise"

"Okay then, be careful" Levy told her before looking back to the Lacrima screen.

[Name] nodded and walked towards the exit for the balcony. She locked eyes with Laxus on his balcony, giving him a reassuring smile before leaving.

[Name] walked down the hallways of the Domus Flau, navigating her way through it until five people blocked her way. She looked up, seeing Ivan standing right in front of her.

"What do you want? Get out of my sight" she glared at Raven Tail.

"[Name], [Name], you were a part of us. Surely you can continue your mission and tell me where the Lumen Histoire is." Ivan smirked, looking down on the guild is.

"Even if I did know, I wouldn't tell you where it is. I have no debt to pay you. Leave me alone"

"I did not take you in my guild to join Fairy Tail! You will tell me where the Lumen Histoire"

"Or what? You can't do anything to me. I've got a real family watching my back this time" [Name] crossed her arms.

"You were a part of my guild. That makes you evil as well, no matter how you look at it" Ivan's smirk grew wider. A glint of fear appeared in [Name]'s eyes for a brief second before her glare hardened.

"I'll never tell you evil bastard" [Name] spat before she disappeared in a flash of lightning, reappearing outside.

Ivan glared, ordering his team to go back to their balcony in preparation for the matches.

[Name] sighed, breathing heavily while leaning on the wall. She closed her eyes for a moment.

"Never again" she attempted to convince herself. "You're not evil. You didn't do anything"

"What are you doing out here?" Laxus came behind her.

"Fresh air" [Name] blushed.

"Tell me what happened"

"Nothing did" [Name] looked up at him. Laxus raised an eyebrow and [Name] glanced away. "Bumped into your old man"

"What did he want?" Laxus clenched his fist.

"He wanted me to tell him Fairy Tail's secrets" [Name] muttered, looking down. She then looked up to meet Laxus' gaze. "I'm not evil am I?"

Her voice wavered, tears welling in her eyes as she stared in Laxus' eyes, causing Laxus' gaze to soften, his normal scowl turning into a soft smile.

"Don't listen to him" Laxus told the girl, bringing her in for a hug. "You aren't like him [Name]. You'll never be like the cold hearted bastard"

[Name] buried her face into his chest, hugging him back.

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