Cobra x Mute! Reader | Always Together | AU

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Hope you like this! I thought this would be cool as an alternate universe! And just saying, your magic here is quite... how do I say this? Ironic.

Spoiler Alert: I'll be using their real names here so don't read if you have no idea who the characters are.

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

[Name] clutched her bag strap as she walked along the hallways of the school. It was time for class and yet the school was already bustling with students.

Students brushed past her, all talking in between their groups. They gave odd glances to other students who wore a different crest to their own.

[Name] rolled her eyes, it was always like this at this time of the year. After that event, everyone would go back to normal.

Well, as normal as a school of mages can be.

"[Name]! Wait!" A voice called in the crowd. [Name] turned, waiting for the owner of the voice. Sorano.

She ran past the students, Crime Sorcière's symbol proudly on her uniform.

The school was separated into different sections and you would often have class with at least one person from your section.

You normally got to chose, but the students of Crime Socière were often the children from brutal backgrounds, who had darker pasts.

But of course, that did not matter, for the students of Crime Sorcière were proven to be good now.

"Have you seen my little sister? I need to hand her something she let me borrow" Sorano asked.

[Name] nodded, remembering that Yukino had to help Sting to the infirmary after his fight with Natsu.


"She last saw Yukino heading to the infirmary" a voice interrupted their conversation.

"Right! Thanks Erik! [Name]!" Sorano waved, running the other way.

[Name] looked up at Erik, smiling, which seemed to a smiling thanking him.

"Don't worry about it" he patted her head. He took [Name]'s bag for her.

'How sweet of you'

[Name] smiled at him as they reached their lockers, seeing Meredy and Ultear chatting.

"Morning [Name]! Erik" Meredy waved enthusiastically while Ultear greeted them with less enthusiasm.

"Good morning"

"Yeah, morning" Erik said, throwing his bag in his locker and carefully placing [Name]'s inside hers. [Name] waved, smiling.

"When do you have a free period?" Meredy asked.

Cobra glanced at [Name], who thought for a moment.

"Second and last period" he answered.

"Dang it, we just missed out Ultear" Meredy whined. Ultear was about to reply, but was interrupted by the bell.

"Well, that's it, let's go [Name]" Cobra took his books, grabbing her hand and walked to class.

"Ultear! They're so cute together! I'm so glad the plan worked!"

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