Gajeel x Reader | Just Like The Old Days

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I really do hope you like this oneshot!

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

[Name] pulled the cloak over her head, covering her face as she walked along the path to the dark guild.

This'll be all too simple for her. Maybe she'll have some fun along with it. She smirked an evil smirk, a mischievous gleam in her eyes as she arrived at the door.

She kicked it open, the members of the guild standing up, alert. Most of them laughed when they saw that it was only her. She ignored the laughing and the people taunting her.

"Oh?" Her smirk grew wider. "Why don't you come at me?! Come on! Show me what your little guild has!"

People ran at the girl and she did nothing but stand still. Once someone swung their sword at her, [Name] backflipped over it, swinging her arm and casting a spell.

Half the members were pulled into a black substance, which formed at their feet. [Name] laughed, dodging attacks as though she was dancing. Her hood fell off her head as she laughed.

The members suddenly froze, seeing and recognising the girl's face. She was a famous and overly powerful Mage which dark guilds feared to face.

"Hahaha~" [Name] smirked. "You scared now? Wimps!"

I landed perfectly on the ground, the river of the same black substance separating the rest of the guild to her.

"Now I'm bored. Ah dear, poor you" [Name] sighed suddenly, hand on her hip. "How should I do this now?"

She flicked her wrist, creating more shadow like things that pulled the majority of guild members together.

As though she was creating a black hole. A tear in space and time.

"Let's see how long you can last"

[Name] clenched her fist, the screams and yells filling the silence that was once there. She frowned, unhappy and turned to leave, the same black substance going from her feet to cover the entire guild.

"Not very long apparently. Disappointing"

As she walked out, the entire guild was covered in the black substance, which pulled it towards the ground, disappearing as though it was never there.

"Hey! Gajeel! Did you see that!?" Levy asked, seeing the guild they were supposed to get rid of disappear.

"It ain't like I'm blind, course I saw that Shrimp" Gajeel crossed his arms, spotting a figure ahead, who seemed familiar.

"Hey! Who's that? Is it her?" Levy walked up to the girl walking in front of them.

"Stay out of it. The guild's gone. Let's just get back to the inn" Gajeel told Levy, who didn't listen. Levy ran forward to see what would happen, leaving Gajeel to stand there.

And as the [Hair Colour] haired girl strode past Gajeel, the two made no glances towards each other, though they had been very well acquainted for several years.


"Hey. You up there?" Gajeel asked, standing in the forest in the middle of the night.

"Yup, did you need something Gajeel?" [Name] asked, swinging down from her position in the tree.

"Just curious on what you were up to"

"Oh? So you leave me for a year and then decide to ask now?" [Name] asked, looking up at Gajeel.

"Look, I told you, it ain't my fault" Gajeel sighed.

"I'm not going to run into your arms and cry" [Name] told him.

"I didn't want that!" Gajeel blushed while [Name] smirked.

"You've joined Fairy Tail" she commented, seeing the mark on his shoulder.

"Yeah. You?"

"Independent Mage in a way. The whole council is after head but they're too scared to come close"

"Why don't ya join?" Gajeel asked.

"Maybe~" [Name] tilted her head, pretending to thing about it.

But Gajeel knew better. Everything, from the tone of her voice to her posture showed that she didn't need to think about her answer. It was a definite no.

"Come on, can't be that bad. I'm still alive"

"Yeah, but then I'll get in all kinds of trouble" [Name] sighed. "If I join a guild, then I'll have a reputation to keep up for the guild and not myself. Besides, no one would want me"

"That a no then?"

"I'll stick with you, but I refuse to join the guild" [Name] offered. "Just like the old days"

"You'll be willing?"

"Of course! It's gotten so boring" [Name] folded her hands behind her head. "Everyone's scared of me"

"Yeah, you've got a horrifying magic don't ya?"

"The ability to make anything I wish disappear into the darkness where it'll never be seen ever again in the blink of an eye. Just like black holes" [Name] smirked. "I was surprised that you weren't scared"

"I ain't scared of anything" Gajeel rolled his eyes.

"The great Gajeel is scared of one thing" [Name] said with a knowing smirk. "You're scared of losing me"

"Am not" Gajeel argued.

"Yup you are" [Name] poked his chest, later changing her tone. "But your friends won't be so accepting of me"

"Well they don't need ta know your full power" Gajeel grinned.

"I suppose" [Name] copied him, suddenly feeling something graze her cheek. She turned around, seeing a whole group behind them.

"You're the Mage with the stupid shadow magic aren't you?!" The leader spoke.

"So what if I am?" [Name] asked, seeing Gajeel smirk. "And by the way, it's not some stupid shadow magic."

"You're going down!" They rushed towards her. [Name] reached up to her cheek, looking at the blood from the bullet.

"Ah dear, you've drawn blood, well you clearly aren't in luck today" (Y/N) said, eyes turning a dark red.

The black substance flew around her, heading straight to the group. She giggled at the sight.

"Oops. Well, it's not my fault you decided to draw blood. I can't control my power if you do that" (Y/N) smirked.

"They were asking for it" Gajeel told her.

She watched as they stared screaming, disappearing into the circle. Never to be seen again.

"Let's get going then" Gajeel gave her a hand.

"Just like the old days?" [Name] smiled, taking his hand.


~~~ End ~~~

Fairy Tail X Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now