Natsu x Reader x Sting | Bonds

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Requested by AnimeAddict4Life

Well, don't have much to say, so hope you enjoy! Creativity did not strike here... sorry...

I also apologise for any issues while reading, I've been having some trouble recently. I'm sorry that it's quite long. 

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

"Natsu! Where did you run off to this time?" a [Hair Colour] haired girl called, walking around the small town. 

She looked around for the boy, who should've been easily to spot with his blue companion. But to no avail, she found no signs of the pink haired boy. 

"Oh well, I'll find him after I finish the job I suppose" [Name] sighed, stretching as she walked to the forest. "I bet I'll find them in the closest restaurant or something. It's not like I need his help"

The girl smiled, walking into the dark woods. She didn't feel the least bit afraid, but it didn't help that she couldn't see anything. 

She heard a loud roar in the distance and immediately started running. She easily jumped over the roots of the trees, careful not to trip over anything. 

She eventually reached a clearing, where a little boy stood opposite the monster that she was meant to get rid off. She tilted her head, wondering what he was doing there. 

She decided to stay quiet, watching as he fought on the monster. She found out that he was a White Dragon Slayer from his attacks. 

"Not bad... but he's just a kid" [Name] muttered under her breath, finally deciding to step in. 

She jumped up in the air and attacked the monster, easily knocking it back into the trees as [Element] surrounded her fists. [Name] looked back at the little boy, smiling gently. 

"You can go back now" She said, dodging a blow without even glancing at the monster. 

"I-I can fight! I'm not a little kid!" the blonde boy complained. "I'll get rid of it for the town!" 

"Like you really can" [Name] said, punching the best back. "Can you really get rid of it? All you've done so far is waste your energy holding it off" 

[Name] turned to look at the younger boy, who was denying everything she said. His legs were shaking slightly in fear, his breathing was heavy. 

"So don't worry, alright?" [Name] told the boy and later muttered to herself. "I'll have to deal with this quickly then" 

[Name] jumped back onto the tree, appearing once more in the air. Sting watched the older female in wonder. She appeared as though she was simply dancing. She made it seem so easy. 

"[Element] Dragon Roar!" [Name] chanted and Sting watched the monster disappear. 

[Name] landed carefully on the ground clapping off her hands. She turned towards the boy, cheerful expression on her face. 

"So, what's your name?" 


"Well Sting, I'm [Name], let's go back to town, where kids like you belong" 

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