Rogue x Sting's Sister! Reader | A Need of Change

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Requested by Sweetlovers2004

『 A Need Of Change 』

"This isn't right! He can't kick people out the guild!" I complained to Sting, after we watched Yukino get kicked out when she failed to complete the job she was assigned.

"Shut up [Name], before Master hears you" He just grumbled back.

"She failed because Master didn't let anyone else help! That was meant for 5 people! You couldn't have even done that" I kept going. He punched the wall in the hallway, causing me to stop so that I don't bump into his arm.

I gulped slightly.

"[Name], just shut up for 5 seconds! We're the strongest guild and we have to stay that way. Those Fairies are back and we have to beat them. We can't have flies and weaklings in here" he walked away, Rogue looked at me for a few seconds before following.

This isn't right. A guild is supposed to be family isn't it? At least, that's what the man from 7 years ago told me. A guild was supposed to help its members grow, not kick them out when they failed.

Not only that. Yukino was like my best friend. I stopped myself from crying. No. I can't get kicked out. I have to stay with Sting. Weisslogia asked us to stay together.

I promised him...

I walked quickly out the guild, to get some air.

I have to stay strong. To stay with Sting and Rogue. If I get kicked out, then they'll hate me. I don't want that from either of them. Especially from Rogue...

What should I do? We need to change. He needs to change back to the caring boy he was when we were younger.


I followed Sting and Rogue around, til some other smaller guild tried to attack us. I took my stand, but Rogue pulled me back. I looked at him confused, slightly blushing.

"Sting's doing just fine" he simply replied. I blinked once and looked over at Sting. He was taking all of them out. I rolled my eyes and Rogue let go.

Then, I saw some Fairy Tail members appear, with Lector ranting on about how Sting's the best.

"[Name], Rogue, let's go. I don't want to hang around these losers anymore" Sting stated.

"You go first. I need to do something" I lied. He nodded and walked off, with Rogue following him.

I walked over to the pink haired boy on the floor and gave him my hand. He slowly took it and I pulled him up.

"Sorry, don't mind him. He was nice before... Before Sabertooth changed him. Sorry again about him" I bowed a bit.

"It's alright" he said, then his face became serious. "Tell me something, why do you hang around them. You clearly don't like them doing stuff like this"

"He's my twin. Our dragon told us to stick together and I promised him. You're Natsu right? Sting actually looks up to you. You're his role model" I replied, not looking him in the eye.

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