Jealous! Lucy x Reader x Edolas! Lucy | Jealousy

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This was a specific requested oneshot and I hope that I didn't disappoint with this. I had no idea how to show jealousy, that isn't creepy. This was done in a major rush, sorry!

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

[Name] fell roughly on the hard concrete floor of a town in Edolas. He stood up, running his fingers through his [Hair Colour] hair. He surveyed the area to see that it was mostly empty.

"What the hell Mystogan?" He complained under his breath, standing up.

"Hey! Let go of me!" [Name] could hear a familiar voice demand. His head snapped up, seeing Lucy being held by some people. Most likely guards.

He watched as his guild mate easily got rid of the guards by using Scorpio. He noticed a figure approaching Lucy from behind. [Element] magic surrounded his fists as he ran towards the figure, punching him away.

Lucy suddenly turned around, eyes widening.

"Are you alright Lucy?" [Name] asked as he walked closer to her. Her face turned pink as she nodded.

"Y-Yeah" She said, stuttering the slightest. "Thanks"

"[Name]! Lucy!" Natsu called, running towards them, Wendy, Edolas Lucy, Happy and Carla on his nonexistent tail.

"Natsu?" Lucy asked, turning around.

"Natus, where the hell are we?" [Name] asked turning around, he froze, looking at the other Lucy.

Edolas Lucy upon seeing [Name] froze as well, stepping back the slightest. Her face morphed into one of shock as she stared at [Name].

"That's me?!" Lucy asked, confused.

"Don't let them get away!" Voices yelled from behind them.

"We'll talk about this later" Edolas Lucy said, still staring at [Name]. Earthland Lucy saw this, but thought nothing of it. She was still far too confused about this whole situation.

"What are we going to do?" Lucy said, glancing at the large crowd.

"They're our enemies right?" [Name] asked, a slight smirk on his face as he stood in front of Lucy. "Don't worry Lucy, I got this"

He stepped in front, ready to fight. He was more than confident in his own ability to fight.

"[Element] Dragon Roar!" he chanted, easily making all the incoming guards fall back. Edolas Lucy stared in amazement as everyone started running.

"That's Earthland magic..." she muttered.

"What are you doing standing around Lucy?" [Name] asked, grabbing the girls's wrist. "Do you want to get caught or what?"

He looked back at Edolas Lucy, grinning. She immediately looked away, a blush visible on her face. Why is he so similar to him?

She shook her head, following [Name] but never once thinking of puling away from his warm grip on her wrist.

"You're [Name], aren't you?" She asked, just to make sure.

"Yeah, [Name] [Surname]. Nice to meet you, Lucy of this world" [Name] introduced, looking right at Edolas Lucy.

"Wait, how do you know my name?"

"Intuition, I suppose. Your name is Lucy right?"

"I-It is"

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