Jealous! Natsu x Innocent! Reader | Basketball | AU

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An alternate universe because why not? I honestly couldn't think of much of a plot idea. I don't really understand how to write an innocent reader so... (And Natsu isn't exactly that jealous but... SORRY)

First thing that popped into my mind cuz I love basketball too! (Playing, not watching cuz every time I watch others, my fingers are literally twitching to pick up a basketball 😅)

Published: 28th of January, 2018

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

[Name] sat on the sidelines of the basketball stadium, watching the school's basketball team train.

She sipped on the juice box, her sparkling [Eye Colour] eyes watching the basketball as it was passed between the players.

She could never get bored of watching though she would never be able to play herself. He would rather watch and cheer her friends on.

"Alright, take a break!" The coach called.

[Name] perked up as the entire team walked off the court, heading to where they left their drink bottles.

"Here!" [Name] smiled at Natsu, handing the sweaty boy a bottle that she kept in her cooling bag. "I placed ice in it for you"

"Thanks [Nickname]" Natsu said gratefully taking a large gulp.

"You're welcome!" [Name] sang, placing the bottle back when he was finished.

Natsu smiled, patting her head before going back to the court with everyone else. The other members of the team glanced over at her and waved, to which she instinctively waved back, smiling.

They all almost immediately looked away, causing [Name] to tilt her head in confusion. But she paid them no more mind and continued to sip on her juice.

When she reached the end of the juice box, she hopped off her seat to find the bin outside the stadium. She hummed a small tune as she threw the carton in the bin.

[Name] lingered for a little bit longer, staring at the butterfly that flew by her. She raised a finger and it flew onto it. She smiled beautifully, watching as it flew off, back towards the sky.

As she started to walk back towards the doors to the stadium, a hand suddenly grabbed her wrist, making her look back.

"Do you need something?" [Name] asked, smiling genuinely.

"You know [Name], you're very cute" the boy told her, his grip on her wrist still tight.

"I know" [Name] replied.

"Wait what?"

"Natsu told me when we walked today. And yesterday. And the day before that" [Name] answered for him. "Everyone else says so as well"

"Well, would you like to go out sometime?"

"Sure" [Name] smiled at him. "I'll ask Natsu if he would want to come"


"I'll ask Natsu if he wants to come as well" [Name] repeated more slowly, thinking that he didn't hear her.

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