Romeo x Neko! Child! Reader | Sunset | Part 3

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Well... I'm sorry, it's not the best so I'm sorry. I didn't really know how to write this so...

Published: 28th of January, 2018

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

A few days later, [Name] ran around the guild happily, looking for Romeo. She whizzed past everyone, not staying in one spot for longer than a minute.

As she ran, she suddenly bumped into something, causing her to fall.

"Ow..." the little girl muttered, tail twitching as she looked up.

Her wide eyes blinked once as she saw Laxus in front of her with the usual frown on his face.

"Hey, you alright?" He asked and was momentarily surprised when the Neko disappeared.

"Wah! Ever-Nee! Scary!" [Name] cried, hiding behind Evergreen's legs and peeking out to watch Laxus. 

"Aw, did mean old Laxus scare you?" Evergreen cooed, smirking at Laxus while fanning her fan. 

"Who're you calling old?!" 

"Hey Laxus, you shouldn't go around scaring little kids" Bickslow grinned, his tongue showing. 

"I wasn't trying to scare her" Laxus scoffed. 

"Maybe it's because you have that horrid frown on your face" 

"And what are you suggesting?" 

"Smile more of course" Evergreen said as the Thunder Legion continued the conversation while [Name] ran off to Mira. 

"Mira-Nee, Mira-Nee!" [Name] called, pulling herself up on one of the chairs by the bar.

"Hello [Name], what would you like?" Mira smiled at her and walked over to the Neko.

"Mira-Nee, do you have any cake left?" [Name] asked, bouncing up and down. "I can't find Romeo-Nii"

"Romeo will be coming back later in the day. Sorry, the last slice of cake is gone. I'll go out to get another now, is that alright with you?" 

"Mira-Nee, don't waste your time, I'll be fine!" [Name] cheered, smiling. 

"If you say so then" Mira smiled at her and gave the girl a smoothie. 

"Thank you!"  [Name]'s eyes started sparkling as she immediately grabbed the glass and started to drink. 

Mira smiled at her behaviour before leaving to attend to others. [Name] happily drank the smoothie and ended up finishing it in a matter of a few minutes. 

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Erza at a table, eating a slice of her strawberry shortcake. [Name]'s mouth watered as she immediately ran over. 

[Name] watched from opposite Erza, staring at the cake with slight longing. 

"Do you need something [Name]?" Erza asked, taking a bit of cake. 

"Erza-Nee, can I have some cake?" [Name] asked, looking at her with wide eyes.

Erza looked at her, attempting to resist the cuteness. She looked away, unable to say anything. 

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