Rogue x Gray's Sister! Reader | He's the Enemy | Part 2

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Requested by Oncer_CrazyFanGirl

Right, to be perfectly honest I had no idea how to make this but here's how it turned out...

Sorry in advance!!

[Not Edited]

『 He's The Enemy 』

I stood up from my seat, wanting to talk to Gajeel. I had overheard the First Master's plan. Gajeel was going against Rogue.

"[Name]? Where are you going?" Lisanna asked me and I only smiled at her.

"I'm going to tell them good luck!" I answered, walking off. "I'll get back before they go on, promise!"


I walked down the steps, remembering the way down to the entrances. I saw Erza's bright red hair and ran to catch up with the team. It'll still be a while before they have to go on.

"Gray!" I jumped on his back, hugging him.

"What are you doing here, [Name]?" He asked me, pushing me away.

"I came to wish my brother good luck of course!" I smiled, stepping backwards. I only smiled, hands behind my back.

"Right, you should get back now" Gray crossed his arms. I looked around for Gajeel.

"Hey, where's Gajeel?" I asked, tilting my head.

"Why are you asking about him?" Gray asked, suspicious.

"Oh, it's nothing really, if he was missing..."

"He went to the bathroom" Erza told me. "So, you don't need to worry about replacing anyone"

"Awe" I pouted. "Oh well, I'll go now. Good luck you guys!"

I playfully saluted them, slipping away. The smile soon left my face as I tried to find Gajeel.

After a short while, I turned the corner only to fall back, looking up to see black hair and red eyes.

"Ow..." I muttered.

"Hey, you alright?" He asked me.

"Gajeel, you seem like you're literally made of iron" I complained, standing up.

"Well it ain't my fault you're a softie" he rolled his eyes. "The hell are you doing down here?"

"I actually wanted to ask you something" I told him, taking a breath. "You're going against Rogue from Sabertooth aren't you?"

"Yeah, what of it?" He asked. A dawn of realisation appeared on his face and he smirked. "What? You like that boy? Gihi, what's the Ice Princess gonna say when he finds out?"

"Nothing because you aren't going to tell him" I simply replied. "I wanted to as-"

"What are you gonna do to stop me?" He leaned down, smirking.

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