Gajeel x Reader | Help | Part 3

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Requested by Butterflylover554

『 Help 』

Not even a few months after the events of the Grand Magic Games, [Name] could be spotted walking along a road towards the forest.

She constantly checked behind her, with the constant feeling that someone was following her.

She sighed, continuing down the long and winding path. It twisted and turned, passing through a forest.

Why was she here? Well, nothing can be certain.

When she was going by a town, she had heard rumours of a dark guild who were kidnapping children. Upon hearing the rumours, [Name] couldn't just walk by and turn a blind eye.

And so, she decided to play hero. A decision that she might soon regret.

The deeper [Name] went into the forest, the darker the forests became. It was almost like a page from a fairy tale.

No, not those tales that told of pretty princesses in their ballgowns. Dancing in the ballroom with their prince.

But the tales that tell the story in a dark forest, the opposite of the enchanted forest. The forest where all evil lurks. Hiding and waiting for unknowing children to wander by to snatch them.

Of course, [Name] herself wasn't scared, but she was worried for the children. Where they scared of their surroundings? Or have they perhaps already left this world.

She always had a soft spot for children. Maybe it's because she never really had a childhood growing up.

You see, once upon a time, there was a girl who grew up in a guild, away from all the other children. Her father and mother were capable mages. But their daughter showed no signs of having the potential for magic.

The parents were ashamed. They wanted a child to succeed their positions in the guild. However, she did not meet their expectations.

She had a weak immune system and stayed inside. With no other children to play with, she could only sit at her chess board, moving the pieces strategically against herself.

Her parents were adamant on having a child to take their place. And so, a lacrima was painfully inserted in the girl's body.

Giving her Iron Dragon Slaying Magic.

She grew up still isolated from everyone else. Because she was forced to train the majority of her days after that, she never got to play games anymore.

But it's not like the training helped.

The girl was weak. Naturally born weak and needed help from those around her.

Her mother and father were disappointed to say the least. To have such a child even though the two of them were the best mages in the guild.

The girl desperately wanted her parent's approval. To be praised by her parents who she looked up to so much.

Tragically, both her parents died on a mission before she could prove to them. Before they had a chance to praise her. Even once.

Can you guess it Reader? Can you guess whose story you're reading? It's yours. Well, [Name]'s actually. But, that is a story for another day. A story of how our worlds are intertwined.

Back to the story at hand. As [Name] walked through the woods, a beam of fire flew straight at her, barely missing her.

She turned around quickly, her sharp eyes picking up moment from behind the tree.

"Iron Dragon Roar!" She yelled, blasting the tree away, revealing a member of the dark guild. In a flash, she was surrounded.

[Name] stood in the centre of the circle, unmoving as she began to think about what to do.

One wrong move and it was checkmate.

"Iron Dragon Wing Attack!" She called, jumping up and dodging all the other attacks.

It was fine. She assured herself. She had done this before. With no one else by her side. Alone.

She continued to fight and the crowd around her became smaller and smaller.

But when [Name] was fighting one last member, another snuck up behind her. Silently. Sneakily.

But they too were taken out by a grey whirlwind of iron. [Name] turned around in surprise upon noticing. Knocking the member that she was fighting out.

For a split second, [Name] thought that the one person she trusted had come back.

For a split second, [Name] thought that her best friend, who had helped her through thick and thin had come back to help her. To apologise to her.

But who was she kidding?

Fallen chess pieces cannot be revived or used once more.

Mistakes of the past cannot be erased nor changed.

The dead cannot come back to the world of the living.

Instead of the familiar face of her best friend. There stood a familiar man. His long black hair as messy as ever and his red eyes looking her way.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, still surprised.

"Not even a thanks?" Gajeel retorted.

"Answer my question" [Name] crossed her arms.

"That should be my question" Gajeel took a crumpled bit of paper from his pocket. "I'm the one who got the job"

"I don't care about jobs, I only came to save the children" The [Hair Colour] haired girl scoffed, turning around to head to the direction of the guildhall.

"Well then I'm tagging along" Gajeel said, following.

"I don't need your help!" [Name] hissed, glaring at the taller man. "Just leave me be!"

"No can do Girlie, I'm coming along and that's final" Gajeel growled back.

The two glared at each other, until [Name] broke away, red painting her cheeks.

"Whatever. Just don't get in my way"

"I should be telling you that"

"Shut up!"

This wasn't a normal behaviour for [Name]. Often, she never cared if anyone had to help her or save her.

But this man... brought out a different emotion in her. She didn't want the ones she cared for, the ones she loved to think of her as weak. She pushed the ones she cared for away because she wanted to impress them.

Her mother. Her father. Her old best friend.

And now, this feeling...

Was directed to Gajeel.

『 Help - End

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