Jellal X Reader | Witch Hunt | Part 2

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Requested by a lot of people. I'm sorry ahead of time if you're disappointed...

Just to clear things up, this story is NOT written from Jellal or [Name]'s POV. You'll see ^^. I saw that the previous part made a lot of people cry but I hope this doesn't... If any of you are confused, feel free to send me a pm and I gladly explain my thought process.

This may seem confusing and does not contain much romance at all, but I wanted to build a character and see if I could tie her in with the previous part. I do hope that I've dropped enough hints. I don't plan on writing a third part.

I really didn't want to write this with a definite happy end because that's just so boring and... Predictable? Trust me, I wrote and completed two versions of this part before deleting it all (along with the romance - whoops).

Please leave a comment and tell me how I did. ^^

『 Witch Hunt 』

I sighed as I watched her open the book for what seemed like the millionth time. It really was getting quite old. How many years have passed since then?

She was always reading nowadays and it was always the exact same book. She never grew bored of that story; her story.

After seeing that her cup of tea was empty, I set my own teacup back on its saucer and called for a maid to clean up.

I'm starting to debate with myself on what I should do with her. I know that all she asked was that I take care of her, but she won't ever be truly happy this way. However, should I really go against her wishes?

She wanted to forget her past and where she came from but yet, she was the one stuck on it. Even after having her memories wiped, she's still drawn towards the Prince.

The way she acted reminded me of my past self. Her desperation to love someone who she had no chance with...

This must be what humans call true love.

Ah... If only they weren't born the way they were born. They would've been able to be together.

But that's a lie. If it weren't for me...

"My Lady, you've been summoned by Princess Meredy to play during afternoon tea," my personal maid announced, seemingly appearing out of thin air.

"Prepare my horse," I simply asked of her without glancing back. The girl opposite me continued to be heavily invested in the book I lent her. "[Name], I'm heading to the palace, make sure to eat properly."

"Of course," she replied with a quick smile, barely looking up for a second before turning away. I returned it, seeing the faraway look in her eyes.

The maids had already prepared my violin and winter travelling cloak when I stepped outside. Of course, they did. They were my maids - who were the most capable in the kingdom according to my most definitely unbias opinion.

"My Lady, snow is set to be falling soon, please ride safely," one of the newer maids warned nervously. I sent her a smile as I climbed on.

"Don't fret, just make sure that the Manor is protected,"

"Of course!"

I watched her hurry away before taking hold of the reigns and nudging my horse forward. She moved in a slow gallop, allowing me to see the scenery of the turf that I owned.

This was a regular occurrence for me as the royal family enjoyed my music the most. It was one of the many reasons why they allowed me to rule over my own turf even though I wasn't quite born into nobility. It was especially handy when I first decided to start helping girls in similar situations to [Name] two years ago.

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