Natsu x Gray's Sister! Reader | Oblivious and Overprotective | Part 2

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『 Oblivious and Overprotective 』

"Well that was quite a job wasn't it?" Lucy asked, sighing. "And I still didn't get enough for rent"

She whined as she laid her head on the table, muttering under her breath about rent and how the landlady was going to kill her.

"Here!" [Name] slid her share of the reward across the table, smiling. "That should pull you through right?"

"What?!" Lucy sat up, immediately pushing the jewel back.

"Gray's already taken taken care of our rent. It's perfectly fine, we're friends right? We have to help each other out" [Name] told Lucy. "Take it, or I'll personally pay your rent for you, alright?"

"Oh my gosh [Name]! You're a life saver!" Lucy hugged her, grinning wider. "I'll make this up to you, promise, I'll go hand it it now! Thank you so much! Be back soon!"

[Name] waved as Lucy ran off, avoiding and ducking all the flying chairs. She sat at the table, sipping on her drink. She smiled, watching her guildmates fight.

It was comedic, amusing to her how Fairy Tail worked and the girl was more than glad that she and Gray had found this guild.

She ducked a table that came towards her and moved out the way of a chair.

"Hey, [Name]!" A blob of salmon pink hair sat opposite her, making her jump the slightest.

"Oh hey Natsu" [Name] smiled, wavering slightly. "What are you doing here?"

"You said you'll tell me what you were talking about after the job" Natsu persisted. "What were you talking about?"

"Nothing important" [Name] smiled. "You wouldn't want to know anyway"

"But I do, tell me [Name]!" Natsu whined, leaning in.

"Gray's going to kill me for this" Natsu heard her mutter, which sparked his curiosity even more.

"Why? I'll kill that Ice Princess if he threatened you!"

"No, no, nothing of the sort" [Name] blushed, turning away. "Promise not to laugh?"

Natsu nodded, eager to know.

"Promise we'll stay as friends?" She asked, voice growing quieter and quieter.

"What could possibly happen that will ruin our friendship?" Natsu enquired, already impatient.

"Look, I like you alright? Not just in the friend way. How dense can you be to not realise the monologues I've had with myself in front of you?" She muttered, her entire face red as she glared at the table in front of me.

She continued to mumble nonsense, but Natsu only heard what she first said. She liked him, the girl he cared for the most liked him.

He broke into his perfect grin, going to sit next to [Name]. He hugged her, leaning his head on her shoulder.

"W-what are you doing?" She stuttered.

"Sorry for not hearing" he muttered. "I'll listen more carefully now"

[Name] broke into a small smile, before wincing as she heard Gray yelling at Natsu.

She only sat and watched as her crush and her brother fought. It happened on a daily basis, so she only watch, sipping on her drink.

"Stay away from [Name]!"

"Make me Ice Princess! She's mine'"

"She's my sister Fire Breath!"

"Ice Popsicle!"

"I have an idea!" Mira separated the two boys. "How about the two of you fight? The winner gets to be with [Name] for the day!"

"That's a terrible idea!" Both of them growled, turning to her.

"You. Will. Do. As. I. Say" Mira snarled, glaring at the two boys. An icy chill ran up the spines of everyone in the guild hall.

"Yes ma'am!" They squeaked, slowly shrinking away from her, hugging each other.

"Great!" She smiled brightly, clapping her hands. "Let's have the fight today!"


"This is stupid" Lucy sighed, watching as the two went at it, everyone watching.

"Shush" [Name] warned. "If Mira hears you say that, you'll be more than dead"

"Somehow, it doesn't surprise me that Mira would do something like this" Lucy instantly paled.

"Same" [Name] sighed. "I hope they don't kill each other"

"Who do you think will win?" Lucy asked.

"Natsu" [Name] immediately answered.

"Why?" Lucy looked curious.

"He promised me he'll win" [Name] smiled. "And since when has he broken a promise?"


"Exactly" [Name] watched the fight between fire and ice, leaning on the wall.

Eventually, the two boys grew tired, and Natsu knocked Gray out.

"Hahahaha! Take that!" He laughed, standing on Gray's head, fire coming from his mouth.

"Well, looks like you were right" Lucy smiled, but it soon disappeared. "What was the point again?"

"The winner had a full day with me, without interruptions from the loser" [Name] watched as the crowd slowly disappeared, bringing Gray with them inside the guild.

"Oh, because Gray didn't want Natsu to be with you" Lucy nodded, pushing herself off the wall. "I'll leave you two at it then! Don't cause too much trouble right?"

"Of course" [Name] waved before an arm went around her shoulder.

"Let's go on a job [Name]!" Natsu grinned, leading them inside the guild to the request board.

"Already? Aren't you tired after your fight?"

"Nah! Happy! You coming?" Natsu called over his shoulder as Happy flew by.

"I'm going to catch some fish for Carla!!" Happy announced, hearts in his eyes while Carla only rolled her eyes from beside Wendy.

"Oh well, looks like it's just us then" Natsu looked over the board. "This one has the biggest reward!"

He took it off the board and dragged [Name] out the guild, pink dusting her face.

"Let's go on another adventure!"

"Yeah, it should be fun!" She grinned, following Natsu.

『 Oblivious and Overprotective - End

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