Freed x Lucy's Sister! Reader | Not Like Others | Part 2

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『 Not Like Others 』

[Name] walked nervously in the forest. She had sent Aquila back to the spirit realm. She heard a rustle behind her, causing her to waaster.
She wanted to be better, to be stronger before she reunited with her elder sister.

She had read a legend about two certain keys. It was only a legend, but she had to try. Her silver keys won't be helpful in a real fight as much as she loved them, she needed better keys.

And that was what she got. With the help of Aquila, [Name] had found two keys. One of the purest good and the other tainted with the darkest evil.

The rustles became more rapid and the girl started to wonder whether the ones chasing her were actually trying to be discrete.

She started to silently run and hid behind a tree, controlling her breaths.

"Hold on, where'd she go?!"

"Weren't you watching!?"

"I thought he was doing it!"

"You useless idiots! Run! We've got to find her!"

Unfamiliar voices rang in her ears as she tried to figure out who they could've been. Of course they were unfamiliar, she's on the other side of the country.

Out of instinct, [Name]'s hands went to her keys as she picked up Andromeda's key, who appeared in a golden light. Her chains around her ankles and wrists rustling the slightest.

[Name] pointed over to the group of men and Andromeda understood immediately, rushing over and binding the men in chains.


"Who was that?!"

"What just happened?!"

[Name] stepped out from behind the tree and thanked Andromeda with a smile.

"Always welcome" the spirit replied, smiling back.

"What do I do with them now?" [Name] asked no one in particular. Her kind nature would not allow these men to sit and wait for too long.

"I'll take them back to the town. Thank you for the help" A familiar voice spoke from behind her.

She whipped around, eyes meeting his. She wondered why he was here, all the way across the country. But then again, he was a Mage. This was a part of his job.

"Oh, sure! Andromeda, if you would please" [Name] turned around to face her spirit, but she was already gone, the chains still binding the group of men.

"[Name], was it not? What are you doing here?" The green haired man asked her.

"I was looking for a key actually and then I noticed that they were following me" [Name] answered, still wondering why Andromeda had left. "And by the way, thanks a lot for letting me go! That was really nice of you"

He nodded and then thought about something before replying.

"How about we get a drink in a cafe? I still have time before I have to depart" he offered, a slight smile on his face.

"Sure" [Name] smiled as she blushed the slightest.

The two walked in out of the forest and after handing in the nameless group of men.

"I'm curious, what did Father say about the situation?" [Name] asked as they sat down.

"Your father was quite calm, especially after reading the note you left for him"

"He didn't cause you too much trouble did he?" [Name] asked, concerned.

"No. Not at all"

"That's good" she gave the man a bright smile.

"What are you doing here?" He asked her as a waitress brought them drinks.

"I came here looking for a key" [Name] told him, taking a sip. "It was a legend, but I had to see for myself. Turns out, I found it!"

"What do you plan to do afterwards?"

"I want to find my sister again" [Name] informed, smiling fondly. "I want to find Lucy again"

"Lucy?" Freed asked, looking up. [Name] nodded, confirming his suspicions.

"Yup, I'm pretty sure she joined your guild" she said. "I hope you won't find if I tag along with you back to your guild"

"No, it doesn't matter to me. I enjoy your company" Freed told the girl, who seemed to be hoping that he will help her.

"Thanks!" [Name] clapped her hands, finishing her drink. Hiding the blush in her face.

"You're welcome. In that case, we should hurry to get back before sunset" Freed stood, leaving some jewel on the table.

"Sure! I have enough jewel for the train ticket" [Name] followed him as they walked down the paths of the town.

"Are you certain you wish to lead a mage's life?"

"Absolutely. I'm certain! It'll be better then being forced into a marriage" [Name] said as they sat on the train.

They sat opposite the other and [Name] looked out the window, watching as the scenery passed by them. It seemed to be a blur, impossible to identify any features but [Name] smiled.

It was like a new experience for her, she loved to explore, to have fun.

But since her father never let her out of the house, along with Lucy, the two girls grew a fondness for adventure. A thirst to explore.

She was so glad that Freed understood, or at least agreed to help.

She was so glad Freed was definitely not one of those guys who cared about the reward. (I mean, he even forgot to receive the reward in an episode so... 😂)

[Name] noticed Freed looking at her and she gave him a small smile.

"I can't thank you enough for letting me go" she said afterwards, tilting her head.

Freed's cheeks seemed to turn the slightest shade of red.

"It was nothing" he mumbled, suddenly turning shy. He looked away.

[Name] giggled, covering her mouth with her hand. Clearly amused.

The two mages chatted together, enjoying the presence of the other as the train rode through Fiore, the sights flying past them.

Heading to the one and only Fairy Tail.

『 Not Like Others - End 』

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