Shô x Cana's Sister! Reader | Unlucky | Part 2

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You know, there are some oneshots I write that I absolutely hate because I had zero inspiration. Guess what category this oneshot comes under.

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

After the everything in the Tower of Heaven was finally resolved, it was time for Erza and her team to return to the guild.

However, Shô, Wally and Milliana wished to sail elsewhere. They, unlike [Name] did not wish to join a guild. Join Fairy Tail.

And so... [Name] was left to chose. Her sister? Or her closest friends?

It hurt [Name] to chose. It can be considered unlucky that she even had to chose. The thought of never seeing her sister ever again scared her. But the thought of leaving Shô frightened her as well.

[Name] sat on a bench, head in her hands as she struggled.

A twin who she hasn't seen since childhood, who she missed dearly? Or her friends and crush, who were always there for her and she'll miss?

It was almost impossible, and at that moment, [Name] wished that she could just not chose.

But she was too afraid to not chose. She didn't want to be alone.

"Are you alright?" Someone sat next to her, causing [Name] to look up. Erza.

The one who she viewed as a sister since they met. The strong Erza who always protected her. The kind Erza who always helped her.

"Tell me, what's troubling you?"

"I-I don't know what to do" [Name] muttered, leaning back on the bench. "I want to see Cana again... but I don't want to leave S- I mean, my friends"

She stopped herself, blushing red. Erza smiled, catching on to what she was about to say.

"Do what you believe is right. I'm sure you'll see the other someday" Erza told the girl, patting her hair.

"But I don't know what is right" [Name] pouted, frowning the slightest. "Can't you decide for me?"

"You have to make your own decisions [Name]. Just like you decided to find your mother's friend that night" Erza smiled at her, standing up. "You should make your decision soon. But just know that whatever you chose, I will support you"

"Alright... thank you" [Name] said, bringing her legs on the bench. "I'm going to think about it some more"

"Alright then, I'll tell the others where you are"

[Name] sighed, nodding as she looked up at the bright stars in the dark night sky. A sky that she had seen throughout her childhood.

"[Name]! [Name]!"

She looked up, seeing Shô running towards her.

"What is it?" She asked, a smile appearing on her face.

"What are you waiting for?" Shô asked, holding a hand in front of the girl. "Let's prepare to sail"

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