Sting X Reader X Rogue | Chocolate

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I don't know where the comment is down and I'm tired, I can't find the requester so if this is you please tell me, thanks.

I rushed to throw this together upon remembering that I haven't published something in ages. I'm really sorry about that, a lot of stuff came up and I really wasn't feeling motivated at all...

[Grammatical and Spelling Errors ahead probably? If you find any please point it out to me, I won't be offended, typos are apparently something I can't live without]

Happy Valentine's Day a week in advance! If any of you guys are like me, you'll probably be single and scouring Wattpad for cute fanfics to read, so here's one? (I lied this one isn't any good, sorry!)

(Also who needs a boyfriend when anime exists, am I right? (I'm only kidding please don't let me be single forever))

[Not Edited]

『  Chocolate 』

[Name] - Third Person

"Hey, Master,"

"Hello? Master? You alive?"

"... Sting?"

The blond guild master finally looked up, unamusedly, from his paperwork at the [Hair Colour] haired girl who had barged unceremoniously into his office moments prior.

"What now?" he asked suspiciously, leaning his cheek on his hand. The girl only showed him a smile before replying.

"Can't I talk to my best friend?" she pouted, perching herself on the edge of his desk.

"You never want to talk to me unless you need something from me," Sting pointed out as he returned to his work.

"Well, now that you mention it..." [Name] dragged each syllable out, making Sting sigh but he listened nonetheless. "What do I do? I gave him the chocolate as you told me but he didn't show that he was glad about it."

"I dunno, what did he say?"

"Wait up Rogue!" a [Hair Colour] haired girl called as she ran up to the Shadow Dragon Slayer.

"Good morning,"

"Morning!" she smiled, taking out a box of chocolates and handing it to him. "I made these myself."

"What's this for?" he asked in surprise.

"Valentines Day," the girl replied cheerily. "These are your favourite kind right?"

"... Yeah, Thanks [Name]," Rogue showed her a slight smile, accepting the chocolate and reaching out to ruffle her hair.

"... Thanks [Name]... " the girl mimicked Rogue's monotone speech with a pout.

"Well you know him as well as I do, what am I supposed to do about it?" Sting asked, his voice void of any emotion. His grip on the pen tightened ever so slightly, but [Name] didn't notice at all as she stared off into the distance.

"Ugh, but you're both obviously closer... Don't you boys talk about things like this?" [Name] asked, looking at him.

"No way,"

"Hey, do you think he likes someone else? Yuki, or maybe Minerva? They're both sooooo pretty," she wondered, tapping her hands.

"But you're the most beautiful," Sting muttered underneath his breath as he continued to write.

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