Cobra x Midnight's Sister! Reader | Comrades

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The thing I dislike most about writing oneshots is writing the title. Evidently, I'm bad at it too so I think that shows what type of a person I am.

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

[Name] sighed as she sat, clearly bored, in the ruins of a house, eyes looking out for any signs of magic in the air.

She knew that she had volunteered to wait here, but she didn't think that they would be gone that long.

The girl adjusted the blue cloak that she wore around her self as she stood up once again, pacing around the place.

Did Jellal and Meredy get caught?

No. Jellal was always careful, perhaps they took a detour. Now that didn't even sound like them.

Suddenly, everything disappeared from her mind when she saw a flash of pink light in the air.

She raised her hand in response, a golden light appearing from her fingertips.

It went in the direction of where she saw the pink light. Meredy's magic.

Now it was all a matter of time.

Sure enough, she sensed two familiar figures. [Name] instantly stood up, rushing towards them.

"Jellal! Meredy! Are you alright?" [Name] asked, but then she saw the bandages around Jellal's eyes. "What happened?"

[Name] instantly rushed Jellal over to where she was sitting before. Then, she froze, feeling the presence of five other people.

Who were all too familiar.

"Them?" She asked, slightly shocked.

"We'll explain this later, can you heal him first?" Meredy asked, even more worried than her.

"I'll do my best, but I can't help with his physical injuries though" [Name] reminded, hand glowing a golden light as she held it in front of Jellal.

When she finished, [Name] immediately turned around.

"Did you fight them? You're so reckless!" [Name] scolded.

"That's what I've been telling him!" Meredy said, pushing [Name] outside. "You should go talk to them"

[Name] hesitantly nodded and looked outside. None of the members of the old Oración Seis noticed, apart from Erik who stared right at her. But she didn't notice.

"Macbeth?" [Name] quietly asked, gaining the attention of everyone apart from Erik. His attention was on her from the start.

"[Name]?" Sorano asked, not believing it.

Why would she? [Name] had left the Oración Seis before they were defeated by the alliance. She was no use to Brain anyway, especially since she had refused to harm anyone.

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