Gajeel x Reader | Help

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Requested by Shizumi_Redfox_Smith

『 Help 』

A girl smirked, sitting on the edge of the balcony as her [Eye Colour] eyes scanned the lacrima screen, watching all the team members attempt to complete the labyrinth.

"Gajeel Redfox huh?" She asked after spotting the mane of black hair, turning around to look at her other guildmate. "He was in Phantom Lord, wasn't he?"

"Yes. He's a Iron Dragon Slayer" the hooded girl replied, stepping forward. She leaned on the railed, next to [Name], glazing at the screen. "He's strong, but not the brightest"

"His brain only thinks of fighting?"


"What connection do you have with him anyway, [Name]?" A boy asked from his seat on the balcony.

"Curiosity. We do share the same powers after all" said girl only replied, smirking. Her hand that was in her pocket clutched the piece of paper.

"Right, where did Kos--" the boy was interrupted before he could complete his sentence.

"Went to sneak the Master instructions on how to complete the labyrinth"


"I'm going to get some fresh air" [Name] sighed, not liking how the guild worked.

"Don't forget to come back in time for your match. You aren't allowed to lose"

"Yeah, yeah, I know" she assured the boy, walking down the steps. Deep in thought.

"If fate is by my side, I'll give it to him today and everyone will be arrested by tomorrow" she mutter to herself, rereading the note she had written. "The latest time will be on the last day, but the ritual would have already started by then. Lives will be lost"

She sat on the railing, hands covering her head. She groaned.

"Why am I such a coward? Just go tell the council now and save them all" she asked herself. But she knew why she would never go to the council. Because they will just arrest her.

She knew that as soon as she went to the Magic Council, the freedom she had fought for would be all gone.

"[Name]! Where are you!?" A voice rang through her head. The Master. "Head to the arena at once. Don't you dare be late"

[Name] winced, quickly placing the note back in her pocket. She turned around, running to the arena. She wouldn't dare disappoint or anger the master.

In a flash, [Name] was in the arena, facing Gajeel. She dared not show any signs of emotion, but on the inside, she was smiling.

She was thankful that for once, fate was on her side.

"You know the rules everyone! The match shall go for thirty minutes before being declared a draw! The loser is the first person who runs out of magic power, or the first person who drops out of the fight" Mato announced. "Let the fight begin!"

Neither side made a move, before Gajeel grew frustrated, sending a roar flying [Name]'s way.

"Iron Dragon Roar!" [Name] countered, effectively cancelling the attack.

"Oi, who are you?" Gajeel questioned, glaring at the girl.

"I'm sure they announced it before the fight. My name is [Name] [Surname]" she bowed, one hand stretched out. "And I'm a second-generation Iron Dragon Slayer"

"Gihi, looks like this'll be interesting" he smirked, standing straighter than before.

[Name]'s hand then turned into an iron sword and she ran towards Gajeel with incredible speed, who barely dodged in time.

They continued at the melee attacks, seemingly on the same skill level. But [Name] knew better, she knew that Gajeel was way above her skill level.

It was only her sheer determination to not lose that caused her to push herself. Her sheer determination to save them.

She jumped backwards, knowing that she needed a distraction soon, before the match ended.

"Iron Dragon Wing Attack!" She chanted, quickly disappearing. Gajeel jumped out of the way of the attack, straining to listen for anything that wasn't the cheering of the fans.

"You must help them" he barely heard a whisper through the cheers of the crowd and his guild.

"Oi, what are you getting at?!" Gajeel whipped around as the dust gathered faster. [Name] then proceeded to hit the Lacrima screens.

"The guild isn't a light guild. The basement in the guildhall will be a graveyard to many on the final day of the Grand Magic Games" [Name] appeared in front of Gajeel, placing the note in his coat. "You were once apart of a guild similar to this one. You have to understand and help them"

"One minute remains!"

Gajeel decided to leave the note till later and ask Levy about her guild.

"Iron Dragon Hard Fist!" He threw at [Name], who spun out the way. They ran at each other, as though nothing had happened.

"And the fight has ended in a draw! Both teams get 5 points each!"

The two Iron Dragon Slayers halted, stepping away from each other. One confused and the other hoping that the other would help.


[Name] walked out of the hotel her guild was staying in, fists clenched. Tears threatened to spill out her eyes, but she didn't let it out. Her pride wouldn't let her.

The Master still refused to give them back. They still had them in his custody.

"What's wrong with you?" A voice asked her, causing her to turn around, needing someone, something to let her frustration out. "Hey now, I'm itching for a fight, but I rather not beat you up"

"I'm perfectly fine. I don't need your help" she seethed out, gritting her teeth.

"Then what was that plea to me before?" He smirked, noticing her sense of pride. [Name]'s ears tinted pink and she threw a punch to the man, who easily caught it, smirking.

"What? You asking for a fight now Girlie?" He asked, leaning down, staring into [Name]'s eyes. There were tears still in them.

"Shut up!" She yelled, pulling away and storming off. "Just get rid of the guild! And get out of my life after that! Disappear from my life like everyone else did!"

Gajeel only watched her retreating figure as she kicked the rocks, genuinely interested in her. He pulled out the note she had given him earlier, reading it again.

The guild has hostages under the guild hall. We're a dark guild, an unregistered one. Notify the Magic Council, get them to storm the guild before the Grand Magic Games finishes.

『 Help - End 』

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