Juvia x Gray's Sister! Reader | Cheer up

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I thought this idea was really creative and cute! Thank you so much for requesting and thinking of this plot, it really is amazing.

Some of the facts may be wrong, but we are all going to roll with it Kay?

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

It seemed to be a normal day, the sun was shining, it seemed to be brighter than ever.

A girl with [Hair Colour] hair frowned, shielding her eyes as she walked along Magnolia, passing a girl dressed in all blue, who seemed to be in a bright and cheerful mood.

Their emotions completely opposite

"Gray-Sama~" Juvia flung open the doors of the guild, causing Gray to shiver and halt the fight. "Gray-Sama! Let's go on a walk!"

"No thanks Juvia" Gray walked to a table, sitting down. Juvia followed, hearts in her eyes.

"Well, let's go get a drink then!"

"Don't feel like it"

"Okay, then let's go on a job Gray-Sama!" She smiled.

"Look, Juvia, in all seriousness, I don't like you" Gray sighed, hands on his forehead.

"Oh Gray-Sama, don't be silly"

"I'm serious Juvia. Look, this has gone on too long. I don't like you, I don't like anyone" Gray said, clenching his teeth, clearly frustrated. "I only see you as a friend, nothing more, nothing less alright?"

"B-But Gray-Sama" Juvia had tears in her eyes.

"Look, you're just trying too hard alright? You're scaring everyone in the guild" Gray sighed and clouds started covering the once clear skies. "I'm sorry for hurting your feelings, but you have to consider other people too"

Juvia's hair shadowed her face, using it to hide her face.

"J-Ju-Juvia is s-sorry" she stuttered out, a tear hitting the floor as she ran out the guild, desperately trying to wipe the tears away.

They say a person can die of heartbreak. But is it really true? Can it really happen?

Rain started to suddenly fall from the sky, causing everyone to run inside. Juvia started to cry more, the rain pelting heavily around her.

This again? Why was she causing misery to others? Why is everything happening like this? Why is everything going downhill?

She passed a girl in a coat with stunning [Eye Colour] eyes, who seemed to be smiling, letting the rain fall on her. She seemed bright, happy and in a positive mood. She made no attempt to run out of the rain as she held onto the strap of her bag.

But Juvia was not. She may have been a few moments ago, a few moments before she had her heart broken. But not anymore.

Juvia was back to her normal, depressing self before Phantom Lord, when she was bullied as a child.

Their emotions were completely opposite.

The [Hair Colour] haired girl looked back at the blue haired girl with curiosity. Something in her gut saying that she had to cheer the girl up. It didn't take much debating with herself before she made up her mind.

She turned around, grabbing Juvia's arm and pulling her to a bench.

"W-Wha--" Juvia started to say, but was interrupted by the smiling girl.

"Hi! My name's [Name]! What's yours? You seemed sad! You can tell me what happened!" She smiled brightly at Juvia, causing a small blush to go on Juvia's face as she watched the stranger.

"Juvia is Juvia... she's sad because... because she causes so much sadness to other people... the rain follows Juvia everywhere she goes..." Juvia started, tears in her eyes again.

"First of all, you talk really cute, has anyone told you that before?" [Name] asked as an attempt to cheer Juvia up. "It's almost like a doll! It's adorable!"

Juvia looked up, confused and blushing. This girl, why wasn't she repulsed like every other person she encountered. Why didn't she hate Juvia for bringing rain. Juvia started remembering when she first met Gray, causing her to be even more miserable.

"Y-you don't hate Juvia for bringing the rain?"

"Why would I?" [Name] asked, looking at the sky. "The rain's so beautiful. I love being in the rain, it's so calming, great to have some alone time."

Juvia only watched [Name] as she dreamily stared at the sky, surprised.

"Cheer up" [Name] smiled, raising a hand and waving it delicately around in the rain. "Everything can eventually turn into something beautiful. Whether we have to alter it or wait for it"

The rain around them started to turn into snow, falling down on them, creating a beautiful scene.

Juvia's eyes widened as she reached her hand out to touch the snow. A smile made its way on Juvia's face.

"See! You look even prettier with a smile! You should keep smiling, you look even more like a pretty doll" [Name] clapped her hands, showing a closed eye smile.

"Thank you..." Juvia thanked her, blushing. "J-Juvia is really grateful"

The skies cleared, revealing the sun once again.

"Awe~ the rain's gone" [Name] frowned slightly, looking at the ground because of the brightness of the sun. She noticed the Fairy Tail mark on Juvia's thigh. "Hey! You're a part of Fairy Tail too? Are you new?"

"Um, Juvia's only been at Fairy Tail for half a year" Juvia said.

"Oh that's cool! I bet loads of people joined Fairy Tail when I was gone!" She smiled, holding onto her bag. "I just came back from a S-Class quest, let's go back to the guild, I'll beat up the person who made you cry, okay, Juvia?"

"Um... You don't have to do that [Name]-Sama"

"Maybe, maybe not. Let's go back then! Can't wait to see my brother's reaction!" She dragged a blushing Juvia back, kicking the doors down.

And so, it all happened from there. It was a simple meeting in the rain, two girls who were experiencing completely different emotions as they walked by each other.

But soon, just as rain turned to snow and the snow disappeared into thin air, the two became friends.

Well, to one blue haired girl, she viewed the [Hair Colour] haired girl to be more than a friend and hoped that their relationship would bloom.

~~~ End ~~~

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