Various x Reader | A Royal Request

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This consists of Natsu, Sting, Rogue, Cobra, Jellal, Hibiki, Ren, Eve, Gray and Lyon. Sorry, I couldn't include them all in the title. This honestly took me weeks to make... I wrote it so that your backstory and personality are scattered in between the lines of ALL (Majority of) the endings. Trust me. This took forever.

This is my first time writing an x reader with such a big group. I hope it's up to standards. Btw, Crime Sorcière isn't persecuted here. They've been forgiven.

*Starts crying because Fairy Tail ended*

I love Lyon. He's like my favourite male character, I'm so glad I can include him in my one-shot book. Someone tell me that Lyon's their favourite character too. I've also started another book, which is a Lyon x Reader cause I thought why not. Of course, it's pretty bad but I tried!

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

King Toma sighed as he walked into the throne room, hoping that the members would be there as requested. The guards behind him turned stiff, giving each other a knowing glance before they turned back to the front.

And indeed, as the King walked through the doors, the commotion was heard, most likely by the wizards he asked for.

As he sat on the throne, only six out of ten people seemed to notice him and stood respectfully in his presence.

The guard beside him coughed loudly, only gaining the attention of the white-haired boy and the navy haired boy and yet the pink haired salamander continued to but heads with the Poison Dragon Slayer.

"Ahem," a girl walked in the throne room, coughing loudly in her sleeve, gaining the attention of the two boys.

"Thank you, [Name]" The King told her. She only nodded, standing tall on the steps on the bottom of the throne. "You may all wonder why you are all here. The reason is that I ask all ten of you to work together to help this kingdom. [Name], you may continue"

"Of course, Your Majesty" [Name] bowed, stepping forward. "The royal guards have located a magic energy source capable of destroying Earthland. It was impossible for us to properly find the source, but we must find a way to destroy it. We ask for your help to destroy the magic source, for the sake of Earthland."

"And we can't just leave it?" Sting asked.

"That would cause further trouble in the future from dark guilds. We must eliminate the threat before it grows. Is that right Your Majesty?" [Name] turned around.

"Indeed. Of course, you will all be rewarded handsomely. You will embark on your journey soon. I will send [Name] along with you and she will inform you of the whereabouts"

"Let's go then, hope you don't mind riding horses. It's old school, but it'll work out when we go through the forest" [Name] smiled at the group.

She didn't have much armour on, barely any in fact, since most of it was ordinary clothing. A [Favourite Colour] cloak covered the top half of her uniform. A sword at her waist, in a [Favourite Colour] sheath, adorned with a [Favourite Jewel] in its handle. The royal crest stood proudly on her cloak.

"Your Majesty, we shall return with positive results" [Name] bowed once more to the King, before walking out, the boys following her.

As soon as they left out the throne room, the Trimen began flirting with the girl, who seemed unfazed.

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