Dragon Slayers x Reader | Angel of Death

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You know, I thought of a plot for this one. Just saying, this isn't supposed to be something I believe in. It's terrible I know, but by the time I was almost done, I had spent too many weeks on it to change...

It's just something I came up with. I'll let you figure that out yourself. None of this is true, please do not take what is talked about in this story seriously.

I know I should've asked first about adding her, but I decided to not add Wendy to this. And the characters are quite OOC in my opinion. I'm honestly not good at writing stories that involve several different people. Sorry for any mistakes and inconsistencies, I was really tired and typed half on it on my laptop.

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

"What the heck are these things?!" Natsu yelled, shooting fire at the dark beings.

"How am I supposed to know! Just destroy them!" Sting yelled back, dodging a blow himself.

"And how do we do that!? None of us is leaving a scratch!" Gajeel growled, annoyed.

"Dimwits! Someone's obviously creating them! Listen to the clients when they talk!" Cobra snarled, attacking several at once.

"All of you shut up, you're being a distraction!" Laxus said, lightning crackling around him.

Rogue stayed silent, in the shadows as he tried to figure out what these indestructible things were.

The six dragonslayers had been called for a job. It had seemed easy enough at the time, find the culprit and bring them back to the town.

However, as soon as they stepped foot in the forest, creatures such as these were pouncing on them. And none of them could figure out where they came from. Creatures made of a dark essence.

A figure watched from a tall tree, her hair flowing in the wind as a sinister smile appeared on her face. Her eyes glinted in the dark, turning a shade of red.

"How fun. These cute boys will be my new toy" she laughed maniacally and somehow, none of the boys noticed her presence. "How lucky I am"

She brushed back her hair, standing up and disappearing from her spot on the branch. Leaving behind a burnt handprint on the tree trunk.

"Rogue, can't you do something about this?" Sting asked, panting heavily.

"What do you expect me to do?"

"I don't know! Control them and tell them to stop!"

"These aren't shadows idiot!" Rogue told him, blasting away one that was getting too close.

They kept on going, and just as one was about to bite Natsu, they all disappeared in a flash of light as though they never existed in the first place.

It's impossible to tell what exactly had happened, but it was certain that none of the dragonslayers did it.

"Yeah! I beat them!" Natsu cheered, clueless.

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