Romeo x Neko! Child! Reader | Sunset

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"Romeo-Nii!!" A little girl ran towards the boy who only just entered the doors of the guild. He only just opened his arms in time to catch the girl.

"Hey [Name]" he forced himself to smile, carefully placing her down back on the ground and petting her cat ears.

She grinned, skipping with Romeo to a table. The boy sighed, placing his head on the table. Team Tenrou still wasn't back, he was more than worried.

After seven whole years, he was grief ridden that his idol, along with everyone else had disappeared.

"Romeo-Nii, I'm hungry" the little girl whined, legs swinging on the chair, tail wagging the slightest out of annoyance.

She was a Neko, one who loved and demanded for attention. She loved to play with Asuka, but Asuka was taking a nap at the moment.

"I'll go ask Kinana-Nee then. Wait here okay?" Romeo stood up, walking to the bar, leaving the little [Hair Colour] haired girl to sit there, waiting.

She had only just been brought to the guild a few weeks ago, however, even she could already tell that something was wrong with the guild, that the atmosphere was almost depressing and she didn't like it one bit.

She wanted to help everyone, wanted to bring a smile to everyone's faces, but what could she do? She was only a child. She didn't understand 

"Here you go [Name]!" Romeo slid a plate to [Name], who looked up. She stared at it for a second before tilting her head. "Sorry, Kinana-Nee ran out of the other flavour cake you like"

"What is it?" She asked, curious, staring at the cake, almost as though she might pounce on it.

"It's a strawberry shortcake..." he suddenly trailed off, averting his eyes. Suddenly remembering Erza and her reaction to the specific kind of cake.

"Something wrong Romeo-Nii?" [Name] asked, blinking her wide eyes at him, confused. "Oh! Romeo-Nii, did you want to eat it? Here! We can share it!"

She smiled, pushing the plate towards the purple haired boy.

"No no, I was just... thinking." Romeo told the little girl, handing her a fork and pushing the plate back.

"Okay! Thank you Romeo-Nii!" She smiled, closing her eyes. She then started to eat the cake, eyes lighting up.

She hummed to herself, swinging her legs, tail no longer wagging. Romeo only watched, mind in another universe.

Another universe where everyone from Team Tenrou was back, where everyone would laugh and smile once again like [Name] was doing at the moment.

"Romeo-Nii! I finished!" [Name] exclaimed, continuing to smile. She took a sip from the straw, but saw that Romeo wasn't paying attention.

She grew curious, carefully walking to the boy. She poked his cheek and he jumped slightly. He looked at her, slightly confused.

[Name] only giggled, hugging Romeo.

"Romeo-Nii, are you okay?" She asked after stepping back.

"I don't know what you're talking about [Name], I'm perfectly fine" he told her, forcing a smile.

"That's good!" The little Neko cheered, hugging Romeo's arm. "Romeo-Nii, let's go outside! I want to play!"

"Uh, okay then" Romeo stood and was dragged away by the little [Hair Colour] haired Neko.

"Yay!! Let's go! Romeo-Nii, you're the best!" She laughed, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

"Wait, [Name], I need to tell my dad first!" Romeo stopped, turning around. "Come on"

"Okay" [Name] seemed impatient but still followed Romeo to the bar.

She didn't concentrate as Romeo talked to his dad, but looked around the guild. They all seemed so depressed, it caused her normally happy nature to dim the slightest.

"[Name]? Are you coming?" Romeo asked, breaking the girl's train of thought.

"Yup Romeo-Nii! I'm coming!" She said, latching herself on Romeo's arm once again. "I want to play in the park!"

"Sure. Let's go and hopefully get back before sunset" Romeo walked out the current guild hall, which was definitely not as majestic as the old one.

"Yay! Thank you Romeo-Nii!"

The two ended up at the park, where Romeo sat on the grass, watching [Name] run around. She laughed, attempting to catch butterflies as they flew around her.

Her laughs rang through the air as she bounced around. The sun was close to setting, but Romeo only watched [Name], her [Favourite Colour] tail and ears standing out.

"Romeo-Nii!" [Name] called, running over to him. "Look! I found a flower! Isn't it pretty?"

Romeo looked down to see a [Favourite Flower] in [Name]'s hand. She was smiling bright, seemingly proud of herself.

"Yeah, it's really pretty" Romeo told her, taking it. He placed it in her hair, smiling slightly.

[Name]'s smile grew even brighter and she opened her eyes, seeing the beautiful sunset.

"Look! Romeo-Nii! The sun's setting! Isn't it pretty?" She pointed behind him at the horizon. He turned around and nodded, smiling.

A genuine smile that hasn't happened for almost seven years. [Name] felt proud of herself for making Romeo finally smile.

"Romeo-Nii! Let's watch the sunset together!"

"Sure" Romeo said, leaning back on his arm. [Name] walked over, leaning into his side.

"Thank you Romeo-Nii!" She hugged Romeo's right arm.

The two sat in silence as they watched the setting sun, seeing the stars and moon slowly appear over them. A truely beautiful sight, which made Romeo more calm and relaxed than he was been in seven years.

~~~ End ~~~

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