Yandere! Cobra x Reader | Dream

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Yeah... I have mentioned that I quite disliked writing one-shots with a yandere character who wasn't the reader? Don't ask me what I wrote cuz I don't know either. 

I am so sorry for taking this long and for not publishing in ages. And I am also super sorry for this terrible one-shot... I really tried to make it less... generic, sorta...


Published: 2nd of April, 2018

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

The first time he saw her was when he passed her on the streets. She was just casually wandering the empty streets of the town.

The streets which were deserted on such a beautiful day.

She hummed a sweet tune as she skipped into the forest to collect some medicinal herbs. She was unaware of the eyes watching her.

Erik immediately followed after her, the blue cloak that he now always wore trailing behind him.

He was almost captivated by the tune that she hummed. She was the most interesting person in the town at the moment.

It's not like he had anything better to do anyway.

He followed behind her, making sure to keep a distance away as he did. He watched the things that moved in the shadows as they seemed to surround her.

But of course, the girl didn't see nor notice the shadows, for she was too absorbed in her own world.

The basket in her arms started to be filled with the herbs she found in the forest.

As she smiled to herself and prepared to head back, she then first noticed that something was wrong.

The hairs on the back of her neck stood on edge as she hesitated, stepping back in fear. Low growls slowly filled the forest, replacing the previous tune that she hummed.

Fear flashed in her eyes as she stared at the creatures that appeared before her, completely surrounding her.

Just as the first one ran towards her at a terrifying speed, it disappeared, making [Name] confused. She blinked once before glancing at the person who saved her.

Their eyes connected for a mere second as he looked away once again, glaring at the things that appeared in the shadows.

He fought them all off in seconds, the poison surrounding his arms. [Name] still remained in a state of shock, unsure of what was happening.

"T-Thank you," she eventually stuttered, bowing her head to him.

"There's no need to thank me," Erik told her as he prepared to leave.

"You're hurt," [Name] stated softly, looking at the cut that was on his cheek. "Let me treat it?"

He looked back, still deciding whether or not he should stay. His inner thoughts eventually won and he nodded.

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