Natsu x Reader | Friends and Family

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『 Friends And Family 』

I stood on the beach, looking up at the sky. I reached my hand out, creating birds of air which flew in the air, towards the clouds.

Higher then I could ever dream to be. At least, that's what everyone else says.

I stretched my arms out, at the endless sky, something that I would never be able to reach.

"[Name]! It's time to get back to work!" I heard a voice call. I sighed, nodding, retracting my arm.

"Coming!" I called, taking one last glance at the sky.

I was an orphan, left to die on this island with the other villagers. We've all sinned and were fated to die, for the crimes our ancestors committed. Least, that's what I was told.

I looked at the old village and the jungle behind it.

"Hey, [Name]! Help the other boys get the wood won't you?"

"No, she should be making the food with the other girls"

"No, I'm fine, I'll go get the wood" I smiled, walking into the jungle. I created fire from my palm, lighting the area around me. "Hello?"

I heard no reply so I walked in deeper.

"This isn't funny! Come out!" I called, one hand around my mouth. I froze when I saw wood scattered over the ground in the clearing, the ropes loosened.

"I-Is that you [Name]?" I heard a weak voice mutter. I ran ahead, horrified at the sight. All the boys in the village, on the ground, battered and bruised, some not breathing.

"Who did that to you?! I kill them!" I yelled, running over to them, nearly tripping on loose logs.

"D-Don't, go, run away from here. W-We been l-lying to you, r-run away, b-break this curse, k-kill the prophecy" he pushed a letter in my hand. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I shook my head.

"For all of us, leave this island [Name] and live" he said before closing his eyes.

I wiped the tears as I heard fire cackling behind me. I whipped around, seeing groups of people running at me. I caught sight of a mark on their weapons. A guild, a dark guild. A sword, engraved in the crescent moon.

I grit my teeth, fleeing from the island, picturing wings in my head.

I traced two fingers from my back and outwards on both sides, white angelic wings appearing in their place.

I flew away, glaring back at the people who destroyed my home, my friends. Beams of magic came towards me, and I dodged, swooping to the left and right, like a bird, soaring above the sea.

I looked ahead of me, seeing nothing but the sparkling sea and the illuminating sky. I frowned.

If only I wasn't in the situation that I already was in, I might have taken time to see the sky.

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