Erza x Reader | Impossible

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This was requested to be a female reader so here we are. I hope you like it. I think you meant for Erza and the reader to be in a relationship, but this idea came to me and I thought I would write this cuz it seemed good at the time. Sorry?

I'll come back to this one in the future when I finally finish all the requests that I've left piled up.

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

"Erza-San?" Wendy asked Erza as she watched the scarlet haired girl, who was staring at the starlit sky. "Is something the matter?"

"No, nothing's wrong. I was just thinking" Erza told Wendy, smiling at her, turning away from the window of the inn.

"Of what? If you don't mind telling me"

"I don't mind" Erza said, glancing back to the window. "I was just thinking about an old friend. She left on a decade quest a few months before you joined"

"Wow, she must have been really powerful" Wendy said, looking at Erza, remembering what a decade quest meant.

"She was. An even better mage than me" Erza admitted. "It's been at least seven years. I wonder how she's doing"

"I'm sure she's doing well" Wendy said, trying to be of comfort to Erza, who was clearly worried.

"Yeah, I'm sure she'll be the same as always." Erza nodded. "I guess I'll have to wait a while to find out. Let's go back to sleep, we have a big day ahead of us."


Erza closed the curtains and followed Wendy to the bed. Little did Erza know, that she was right. Her best friend was indeed still the same as ever, in more ways than one.

The next day, on the third day of the Grand Magic Games, a figure stood at the top of the arena. Her presence was concealed and she wore a cloak that covered her entire outfit underneath, the hood covering most of her face.

She watched as Erza defeated all of the monsters in the Pandemonium. A smile appeared on her face as she clapped along with the rest of the crowd.

Suddenly, Mavis looked up, feeling someone's eye on her. Mavis looked at the hooded figure, confused at how they saw her. Makarov also looked up and spotted the hooded figure too.

The hooded figure smiled from under her hood and raised her right hand, pointing her index and thumb out. The Fairy Tail hand sign.

But she disappeared a few moments after that, leaving them confused.

The girl reappeared again next to two other girls, startling them slightly.

"[Name]! At least give us a warning before appearing so suddenly" Meredy said after the girl pulled off the hood, revealing [Hair Colour] hair and [Eye Colour] eyes.

"Sorry, I came to check if you felt anything" [Name] said, not sitting down.

"No, nothing yet. We'll remain on the lookout as always" Ultear said, glancing back to the crystal ball.

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