Bickslow x Short! Reader | Luck

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The inspiration for this was very random and something that came to me out of the blue while I was writing the start for fun. Sorry.

I quite like the idea of [Name]'s power here, maybe it's because I'm a horrible person. Yeah, maybe.

It's not great.

Published: 19th of January, 2018

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

A girl sat at the corner of the bar in the guild, complaining to Mira as she sipped on her drink. Clearly annoyed. Beyond annoyed.

Mira only smiled at the short girl as she continued to serve the other people, nodding as she listened to [Name]'s grumbles.

"They're so annoying sometimes. Just because I got hurt on the last mission doesn't mean that they can just leave me here for the next one" [Name] whined as she glanced at her bandaged arms.

"You were in the infirmary until recently. You didn't just get hurt, you almost died on the last mission. I can't say I blame them" Mira pointed out for her. "You would've followed them before your injuries recovered properly if they didn't leave early"

"Mira! You're meant to be taking my side!" [Name] glowered at the girl, who remained oblivious. "Stupid Bickslow. I can beat them up any day of the week"

"I'm sure you can. They're only looking out for you" Mira tried to calm her down.

[Name] let out an annoyed breath as she leaned her head on the table, feeling the wounds that were on her body starting to sting and tingle.

She heard a tap beside her as Mira placed a small glass bottle next to her. [Name] looked at it curiously, tilting her head in confusion.

"It helps with the pain" Mira smiled at her as [Name] nodded, opening the bottle to pop a pill into her mouth.

"I bet Porlyusica wasn't glad to give these to me" [Name] smiled.

"You're lucky she has another batch. That's probably the only reason she gave you these" Mira told her, placed the glass that she was cleaning in the right place on the shelf.

"Uh huh. Lucky" [Name] mumbled to herself. "I don't believe in luck"

"We all know that [Name]" Mira said, looking at the girl with a slightly sad expression. [Name] looked up and smiled at her, looking anywhere but Mira's eyes.

"I'll be going back now. Thanks Mira" [Name] told her before leaving the guild, her eyes making sure to never meet anyone else's.

She walked along the path, her hands in her pocket as the memories of her past flashed through her mind.

She quickly shook those thoughts out of her head, not wanting to remember the pain that she went through.

"Luck? It's just a lame excuse" [Name] muttered bitterly as she thought back to what someone once told her. What almost everyone else tells her. "The universe doesn't care enough about us to be with us or against us"

Good luck and bad luck, fair and unfair...

It all just exists in our minds and nowhere else.

It wasn't unlucky that she was born in such a horrible place where magic was looked down on.

Her parents were at fault. They knew that they were mages and yet they chose to stay in that horrid place.

It wasn't unlucky that her magic became uncontrollable. It was because her parents discarded her. Left her.

Didn't bother to teach her.

It didn't help that the children in the village bullied her. It just happened.

Chance and luck are different.

Luck is an idea made up by humans that some circumstances happen to them while chance is just what happens in the world.

Luck is just a belief while chance is real.

[Name] sighed as she opened the door to the apartment and sat herself on the couch, picking up a book to read.

She wasn't lucky because she escaped from the place. It was because she had planned for days beforehand. It was because she used her magic. It was because she decided to run away. That was how she escaped.

For how long she read, [Name] did not remember. But the only thing that made her look up from the book was a sound from the front door.

As the door swung open, [Name] saw his dolls first and let her guard down, placing the book back on the table.

"Bickslow?" She asked as his familiar figure walked in the apartment.

"[Name]! Are you feeling any better?" Bickslow asked, closing the door and dropping himself on the couch beside [Name]. His arm when around her.

"You left without me" [Name] said accusingly, ignoring the repetition of his dolls.

She was already so used to them that she just tunes them out the majority of the time.

"You're hurt [Name]" Bickslow reminded, glancing to the bandages that were wrapped around her arms.

"I would've been perfectly fine" [Name] stubbornly huffed.

"You know, you were lucky that it was weakened when you took the hit"

"Lucky?" [Name] scoffed, looking away. "I wasn't lucky. It was because I chose to risk it while it was weakened. I killed it anyway didn't I?"

"You'll always be stubborn" Bickslow laughed and [Name] heard him take off his helmet.

He never liked to do it, mainly because many people felt more at ease with his eyes covered. Just like they did when they found out about [Name]'s magic.

He only felt like taking it off when they were alone.

Of course they were welcomed in the guild, but it became such a habit to them that Bickslow continued to keep in helmet on unless he needed to use his eyes and that [Name] continued to avoid eye contact with others.

Bickslow closed his eyes and laid his head on top of [Name]'s, falling asleep. [Name] silently glared at him, poking his side.

"Hey! Don't silently make fun of my height!"

Bickslow didn't respond as he stayed silent, making [Name] sigh and blow away a piece of stray hair that fell in front of her face.

"It's even worse then how you normally tease me" she pouted, leaning into his side as she closed her eyes as well, eventually falling asleep alongside him.

Luck? Why would she need to believe in luck? Why would she need it?

Let all of them talk, let all of the villagers hate her. She doesn't need them anyway.

Not when she's got Fairy Tail. Not when she's got her team, who all understand her.

Not when she has Bickslow, who cares for her, who she cares for just as much.

She doesn't care if the universe is with her or against her. She doesn't care if she has to use her ugly powers that at looked down on.

She'll protect them. Luck will not.

~~~ End ~~~

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