Loke x Neko! Reader | Opposites Attract | Part 2

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I don't know why but I honestly really love this plot so much. I find it funny how the Lynx constellation is next to Leo's. I rushed this... sorry.

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

[Name] sat in her place in the celestial world, feeling her magic grow stronger. Feeling the contract she made with Angel disappear.

A key appeared in [Name]'s hand. Her own key.

She smiled and closed her eyes, summoning herself to the human world.

She appeared before Lucy, who seemed surprised to see her. They were on a boat.

"[Name]?" Lucy asked, curious to why she was here. She also admired the fact that [Name] could summon herself.

"Miss Lucy, I would like for you to have my key" [Name] bowed, handing her key to Lucy.

"Are you sure?" Lucy asked, shocked. She thought that Angel's spirits would want to take a break from contracts for a while.

"I realise that I am only a silver key, but Miss Lucy, I would love to be one of your spirits" [Name] smiled as Lucy took her key.

A sudden burst of golden light appeared beside Lucy. Loke stood there, head down. He didn't seem to realise that [Name] was there.

"Hey, um... Lucy, I thought I would tell you that I'm alright and you don't have to worry about me" Loke mumbled, not feeling like himself.

"Loke? Um..." Lucy didn't know what to do. She wasn't used to Loke being like this. She looked to [Name] for help.

"Leo? Are you feeling alright?" [Name] asked, causing Loke's head to jerk up.

He stared at her for a second before he uttered out a word.

"[Name]?" He asked, not believing. He reached out to touch her arm.

In a flash, [Name] was in Loke's arms. He held the girl close to him as Lucy left, smiling happily.

[Name] hugged him back.

"I'm sorry..." he apologised into her ear. "I'm sorry..."

"Hey, what are you apologising about?" [Name] asked, stepping back. She had a smile on her face.

"I-I just left you... I killed her and you went to another mage" he said. A hand still on her cheek.

"It's fine. I'm fine" she told him. "I'm glad that you found a better mage who took care of you"

"I promise... I promise that I'll protect you from now on" Loke smiled slightly.

"I know" [Name] said, hand reaching up to take his glasses off. "Hey, why are you wearing these?"

Loke didn't answer as [Name] played with his glasses. He brushed a hand through his hair.

"Will you be my girlfriend again?" He asked [Name], completely serious and not joking this time.

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