Freed x Laxus' Sister! Reader | Don't Tell Him

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So here it is! I promise you, I do try. I know it doesn't seem like it, but I do.

Don't mind the title, I had no idea what to call it. Not my artwork.

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

[Name] stood on the shore of Tenrou Island, watching the waves lapping against the shore.

"Are they still not done yet?" She asked as she looked backwards towards Mira and Lisanna.

"Be patient [Name]" Mira gave the girl a small smile. "This year's test is quite hard, considering that there's only two of them who like to read"

[Name] pouted, hearing yells and crashes from around the island. She looked back towards the ocean, which seemed endless.

"Can't believe Freed lost" she muttered. "And I was cheering him on as well"

"Speaking of Freed, where are they?" Lisanna inquired.

"He went back with Bickslow and Gildarts" [Name] replied, brushing a hand through her [Hair Colour] hair.

"You know, I heard that Freed and Bickslow lost because of Can--" Mira smiled, seeing once the girl stiffen.

"N-No! H-He said i-it w-was--" [Name] stuttered, cheeks turning red.

"Don't worry, Mira-Nee's just messing with you" Lisanna leaned on her arm, taking a sip of her drink.

[Name] huffed, crossing her arms. She frowned the slightest, fidgeting and growing even more restless.

"I want to go back too" she whined, stretching.

"[Name], you're the last part of the Trial, you aren't exactly allowed to go back until one of the teams reach you" Mira reminded the girl.

"So unfair" [Name] muttered. "Stupid Laxus, if you were here I could've gone back already"

Mira and Lisanna looked at each other, knowing what she was like. The younger Dreyar sibling held her grudges for a long time, especially if it had anything to do with Laxus.

[Name] stumbled the slightest when the ground shook.

"What was that?" [Name] turned around, checking if the two were alright.

"Mira-Nee! What are those?" Lisanna pointed to orange orbs that were raining down on them.

[Name] zapped over to the two sisters, just as the strange orbs turned into hooded figures.

"Whatever they are, they're definitely enemies" Mira spoke, preparing to fight.

"We'll need backup, won't we?" [Name] whispered, eyes widening once recognising them. "That's Grimoire Hearts' symbol"

"Go find them, we'll cover for you" Lisanna muttered.

"You sure?" [Name] asked. They both nodded.

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