Flare x Lucy's Sister! Reader | Met by Fate | Part 2

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This is a requested plot, much like the previous one. I hope I wrote it up to your standards and expectations! I changed your request up a bit, hope you don't mind.

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

"You know, I never thought that our little [Name] would get a girlfriend"

"Don't be rude, they look good together"

"Why can't [Name] look at me like that?"

The whispers in the guild increased the longer [Name] and Flare stayed. Mountains of questions were asked to the two girls about their relationship, which ranged from questions about how they met in the first place and how they confessed to each other.

[Name] was stuck in the middle of a crowd that surrounded her. She didn't really blame them, since she would've reacted the same if Lucy were to start dating Nats-- someone... yeah. Someone...

"[Name]'s in loveeeeee~" Happy teased, flying above the [Hair Colour] haired girl. She glared up at the blue cat, which made him cower and hide behind Natsu.

She sighed, running a hand though her hair as she noticed, noticing how Flare was uncomfortable with all of the questions asked.

"Guys, we're leaving, we only came to make sure that Lucy was alright" she announced, voice firm.

"But you only just came back!"

"Stay! You have answered my question yet!"

"We have a job to do. Any more complaints?" [Name] asked, raising a fist. The crowd all shook their head and slowly started to part. [Name] smiled and she walked out of the doors with Flare.

They walked back to the train station and on the train in a comfortable silence. [Name] took Flare's hand, as though it were natural, which it was.

"Sorry about them, they're quite rowdy.I'm sure you're not used to it" [Name] apologised as they walked towards the forest, where the bandits were last seen.

"I don't mind" Flare giggled, biting her hair. "They're odd"

"Couldn't have said it better" [Name] said, stopping when she heard a rustle in the bushes.

Flare noticed too and stepped forward, in front of [Name]. Almost protectively.

"Stay back, I can take care of all of them" Flare said, her hair surrounding her. Ready to fight just as a whole group of bandits appeared before their eyes.

"Okay. Be careful" [Name] said, taking a step back, her hand hanging lose by her belt, where her keys were. She trusts Flare.

It was only a few minutes before most of the bandits were on the ground, burnt and twisting. Flare stood in the middle, her hair still hoisting one of the bandits in the hair. She threw him around.

"Flare, I think he's had enough" [Name] commented, watching as Flare continued to throw the poor band around. Many of the remaining bandits continued to surround them, but did nothing out of fear.

Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she saw something heading towards Flare. Without even thinking, [Name] jumped in front of the girl and took her blow. She fell to he ground, causing Flare to turn around.

Flare's eyes widened as she looked down. Her hair turned into flames as it covered her eyes.

"Who did it!?!" she demanded, looking at the bandits who were still standing. They shivered in fear at the sight of her.

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