Natsu x Reader | Returning the Favour

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Thank you for requesting and I hope that this is good enough for you. It was a great plot idea. Sorry if you don't like it.

Happy Australia Day 🇦🇺! ^^

And spoiler alert I think?

Published: 26th of January, 2018

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

It could almost be considered a beautiful day above Fiore.

The endless skies were littered with pure white clouds that danced together. The wind blew calmly around all the people, brushing against the leaves of the emerald coloured trees.

But it wasn't a beautiful day.

It was raining.

Raining in their hearts and minds.

Dark clouds hung over their heads. Waiting to finally be cleared.

[Name] watched sadly from the side as the smoke and dust rose into the beautiful blue skies. She watched the Fire Dragon Slayer cry over the dead body of the Fire Dragon King.

From behind her, a mighty beam of light flew up into the sky. [Name] turned around to watch as Happy continued to watch the scene in front of him, shedding tears of sorrow.

The scene in front of her was breathtaking, yet she couldn't afford to be amazed by it. There was something else she had to do first, though the scene would forever be etched in her memories.

"Happy, go back to the others okay?" [Name] asked, hugging the exceed.

"B-But Natsu..." Happy chokes through the tears he cried. [Name] smiled softly and pet the exceed's head.

"I'll look after him. Promise" [Name] told him, with that same smile. Though sadness clouded her eyes.

In normal situations, Happy would've been teasing the two by now, but this... this was anything but normal.

"Alright" Happy agreed and flew off. [Name] could still hear his sobs.

[Name] walked towards Natsu quietly, not wanting to startle him as tears flowed freely down his cheeks.

All those years that she's know him... she's never seen him cry like this before.

It pained her heart. She wanted to cry as well when she saw him in such agony, but she knew that she had to be strong and support him.

Just like he had done for her.

She'll return the favour now.

Crimson red lights danced around them like flames as [Name] hugged Natsu from behind, feeling him stiffen slightly at the gesture.

She had no words of comfort to offer him for she knew that they did not work at a time like this.

She thought that they rarely ever proved to be useful. Wouldn't it be considered heartless if you told someone who's lost one of the most important people in their lives that 'it'll be okay?'

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