Gajeel x Short! Neko! Reader | Midget

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I hope you like it, it seemed like a good idea at the time, but I hope it turned out well.

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

The Neko stood in front of the bookshelves behind the guild hall, needing to find a book, her tail wagging in annoyance because the ladder had oddly disappeared. She jumped up, but didn't even graze the shelf, let alone the book.

She glared at the book, cursing the person who placed it there.

"Come on! This isn't fair!" She told herself, stomping her right foot. She looked around for the ladder once again.

"Gihi, what's wrong Midget?" A hand went on her head, which she pushed off.

"Stop call me Midget you Iron-Headed Freak!" She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms, clearly mad in an attempt to look imitating. But the height difference between them didn't help the slightest.

"Gihi, you trying ta get that book?" He asked, smirking.

"Yes! Now can you help me get it?" [Name] asked, tail wagging out of major annoyance.

"Nah, watching you suffer is way more fun" he said, leaning against a pole.

"Mean!" Was [Name]'s only reply as she jumped again, swiping at the books.

Her hand barely grazed the cover this time but she didn't give up. She growled and turned to Gajeel. She walked behind him, pushing him forward.

"Woah, what now Midget?"

"If you're just going to stand there then might as well become a step ladder" she said, jumping on his back.

"Whatever" Gajeel only rolled his eyes, steadying her. She reached up, finally grabbing the book. Gajeel helped her down and she immediately checked the back of the book. "Why did you need that?"

"Levy asked me to get it for her" she said.

"The Shrimp couldn't get it herself?"

"She caught a cold this morning and asked me to get some books for her to read" [Name] told him, turning around to look for another book. "Don't worry, Wendy said she'll be fine in a few days. Erza didn't let her get out of bed so she asked me to return and get some books. Found it!"

[Name] took out another book. By the time she was done finding all the books, she had a stack that was almost taller than herself.

"Hey there Midget, you'll trip with all those books!" Gajeel said, walking towards [Name] and taking the stack of books.

"Oh so now you decide to help me?" [Name] pouted but kept walking. She pulled Gajeel along and out of the guild hall.

"Tell Levy to take care okay, [Name]?" Mira called from the bar, cleaning the glasses.

"Of course I will!" [Name] smiled back to her. "Let's hurry up then Gajeel, I need to take a job for my rent today"

"I'm going with you" Gajeel decided.

"W-What? N-no, you don't have to!" [Name]'s cheek turned slightly red.

"Well too bad Midget, I'm tagging along anyway" He smirked. "You can keep the money. I just feel like punching some bastards today"

"Just don't punch me and I'll be fine"


Gajeel and [Name] walked down the path, straight into the forest. Both of them had their ears peeled, listening for the rustling of leaves.

"What the heck are we even looking for?" Gajeel asked, already bored.

"There's a group of bandits near here, just look innocent, won't you?" [Name] asked. "You already didn't let me come by myself, everything would've been so much easier if I was a bait"

"Well I ain't risking getting you killed Midget" Gajeel only growled. [Name] smiled slightly, rolling her eyes.

"There's someone to the right of us" she whispered, her vigilant eyes seeing human figures in between the trees.

"Gihi, let's go pound them" Gajeel smirked, swinging an iron pole in the direction she was pointing to.

"Uh, sure, just go in without even asking me" [Name] said sarcastically, following Gajeel.

The group of bandits ended up surrounding the two mages, causing Gajeel and [Name] to go back to back.

"Gihi. Hey, Midget, I'll take the rest, you get the boss, that fair?"

"Yeah!" [Name] smirked, dashing forward, throwing a punch at the bandit in front of her as Gajeel swung the others far away from the two.

"You think a little kitten like you can win?"

"I know I can win" she dodged a blast of magic aimed at her, sending a blast back with a kick. "The last thing you should do is underestimate someone"

"Awe, come on, it's not my fault you look this weak" he smirked, dodging a blow. [Name] glared at him, disappearing and reappearing behind him in a flash.

She growled, elbowing the man and kicking him under her feet, seeing that he was already unconscious.

"Awe, you done already?" She asked, voice lacing with fake sympathy. "What was it you were saying about weakness?"

"Hey, Midget, you done?" Gajeel appeared, dragging the rest of the team of bandits along on a rope.

"Yeah!" [Name] grinned, standing up. "Not a scratch!"

"Great, let's hurry up then, Midget" he pulled the collar of the bandits' leader, dragging them back to the town as [Name] followed.

It didn't take long till the two reached the town again. They quickly handed the bandits in and were handed the jewel by the mayor.

"Let's go then!" [Name] stretched, heading to the train station.

"Gihi, I'm hungry for some iron" Gajeel, placed his hands behind his head.

"Here then, please don't start eating other people's property" [Name] took out some iron, tossing it to Gajeel, who easily caught it and munched on it.

"Thanks Midget" he smirked, ruffling her [Hair Colour] hair. [Name] smiled softly, moving her hands behind her back. A skip in her step.

~~~ End ~~~

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