Alzack x Jealous! Reader | Hopeless Hope

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Requested by TheCraftySongbird

Well, I tried my hardest, hope you enjoy! I thought of a lot of different ways to write this, but I thought this depressing ending would be nice. Recently, my stories have been too 'cute and happy' for me. Just thought I'll bring a depressing tone.

(Risk of crying and heartbreak. Please don't kill me)

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

[Name] sat at a table, watching the black haired sniper as he looked at Bisca. She sighed, leaning her head on the table.

"Something wrong?" Mira asked her.

"No, just really tired after the job" [Name] lied almost effortlessly, taking the drink Mira offered her.

"Oh, alright" she smiled. "The S-Class trials may be coming up, but you can't overwork yourself!"

"Yup! I hope I get chosen" [Name] faked a smile. She just wanted to get chosen in hopes that Alzack would notice her more.

"Don't you think Alzack and Bisca would look so cute together?" Mira asked, sighing. [Name] jumped, a heavy feeling in her heart.

"Yeah, it'll be so much easier if they confessed" [Name] forced herself to agree, a spilt second of depression clear in her eyes.

Her words were true though. It'll be easier to accept the fact that Alzack didn't like her in that way.

"Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yup! Perfectly fine!" [Name] said, sitting up. She stared longingly at Alzack and Bisca, a feeling of hatred in her heart towards Bisca. "I'm tired, I think I should go back."

"Okay! Take care alright?"

"Yup!" [Name] waved, walking out the guild.

Tears leaked out her eyes. What was wrong with her? Why would she hate Bisca. She doesn't deserve happiness, she won't get happiness if she kept hating on a girl who was only in love like her.

She ran the rest of the way to Fairy Hills, silent tears rolling down her cheeks.

Her heart hurt, hurts more than any physical pain. Her head knew she had no hope, but her heart, her heart had a flicker of hope.

Hopeless hope.

She was in pain, in a pain that she hoped someone would cure.

She turned on the lights as soon as she got in her room, shutting the door.

She jumped on her bed, crying into her pillow. She screamed into it, the pillow muffling any noise.

No one knowing, no one understanding her pain.

~~~ Seven Years Later ~~~

[Name] played with Asuka, faking a smile and a laugh. Alzack and Bisca and gone on a job with Romeo.

"[Name]! [Name]! Let's eat some cake!" The little girl hugged [Name], looking up with an innocent smile.

"Sure, I'll ask Kinana" [Name] picked the little girl up. "Let's go now"

"Yay!" Asuka cheered.

[Name] glanced at the little girl, the child of the one she had loved and her best friend. She was beyond depressed. 

[Name] set Asuka on a chair, leaning on the bar.

"Hey Kinana, sorry to bother you, do you still have the slice of cake from the other day?"

"Yes, I'll be just a second" Kinana smiled slightly, turning around.

"[Name]! You're the best!" Asuka smiled at [Name], who gave her a fake smile in return. "[Name]! Are you going to find a partner like Mama and Papa?"

"What do you mean?" [Name] asked the little girl.

"You know! Kisses and things!"

[Name] was shocked and tears tempted to fall. But she forced herself to shove the feelings away, shove the pain away.

"No, I don't want to find someone like it, it'll be more than troublesome" [Name] answered with a fake smile.

"Awe~ I wanted to throw flowers at your thingy"


"Yeah! That!"

"I don't plan on marrying any time soon. But I'll be sure to ask you to throw the flowers when the time comes" [Name] faked another smile, thanking Kinana when she came. "Here's the last slice of the cake we made from yesterday"

"Yay! Yummy!" She started to eat getting cream on her face.

(Y/N) watched her almost in awe, how she wished to be so carefree. How [Name] wished to be a child again.

She often wondered why she didn't leave the guild, why she didn't just run away from her troubles.

But [Name] knew why she hasn't left, why she didn't leave. It was because of the little spark of hope that remained in her broken heart. The little spark of hope that cause her pain. The little spark of hope that makes her heart sink on a daily basis.

That little spark of hopeless hope.

"Asuka, be more careful" [Name] reminded, dabbing around Asuka's mouth with a napkin.

"Thank you!!" Asuka smiled, continuing to eat. [Name] heard the doors of the guild open and looked up to see Bisca and Alzack.

"Hey, Asuka, guess who's back?" [Name] cleaned Asuka's mouth once again. The little girl turned to see her parents, quickly getting off the chair and running to them.

"Mama!! Papa!!"

[Name] watched in pain. She was jealous. Beyond jealous. It was certainly unhealthy for her to be like this.

Her face showed signs of fatigue, her eyes no longer shined like they once did. Her smile changed to be fake. Full of pain and lies.

However, she desperately tried to not let any of the pain show and only cried when no one was watching.

She hugged her two best friends, keeping up the fake facade.

"Thank you so much [Name]" Bisca smiled. "Asuka wasn't too much trouble was she?"

"No, she's always a charm to be around, just like her parents" [Name] told her.

"We can always count on you [Name], thank you" Alzack smiled at her, causing [Name]'s heart to skip a beat.

However, she didn't show it.

Her heart sunk even more and she feel in a pit of endless despair. A pit of despair where only a single, dull light shined.

A dull spark of hopeless hope.

~~~ End ~~~

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