Acnologia X Dragon Slayer! Reader | Tragic Tale

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Requested by RoseObsidian

Sorry about the horrible ending... You mentioned that you wanted the Reader to turn into a dragon right? But I wasn't sure how I would write that, and I completely forgot about it! Sorry! If you're unhappy that I didn't add that part in, I'm willing to change this one up ^^. Just message me or something.

Haha, this one is really really long. I hope it sorta makes up for my inactivity? [also idk if the name fits but I really didn't know what to call this so if you have suggestions then please tell me :)]

Spoiler alert for the manga ^^

Not edited.

『 Tragic Tale 』

The world calls him a vicious and ruthless beast, but they judge too harshly. What will they say when they learn that everything he did was for her?


[Name] - First Person

When I was younger, I certainly wouldn't have expected my life to turn out like this. I imagined myself as a Healer, one who would save countless lives but my life at one point took a complete 180. I am now one who saves lives by killing others. I am one of the many Dragon Slayers who volunteered to fight this almost war against dragons.

Even if I didn't get what I wanted, one can argue that my goal is still the same. I still wish to save everyone from the terror of these horrible dragons.

Which is how I found myself sitting atop of a hill over looking the golden plains up ahead with my partner's head on my lap.

"Acnologia, now's not the time to rest, we were sent to keep watch over the new ones," I chastised him while attempting to push him off.

"You have eyes, you can do it," the stubborn man scoffed, turning his head away from me to settle down comfortably.

I sighed at his behaviour, relenting and letting him stay there. This always happened when we were given a task that did not directly involve killing dragons. I found that I let the man get away with way too many things. Often, I would let him drag me into dangerous situations that involved sneaking out to kill more dragons than assigned but what's the harm in that? Killing more dragons never hurt anybody, well apart from the times they died in the attempt. But so far, neither of us have died yet.

I looked up at the herd of dragons in the distance, all circling the area and battling with the young Dragon Slayer underneath. This is their test. As dangerous as it may be, it must be done if they wish to be a Dragon Slayer.

This war torn era wasn't safe for anyone. Humanity relies on us, the Dragon Slayers and its mightiest soldiers.

Absent-mindedly, I began to run my fingers through Acnologia's long — and tangled — hair. As soon as I started, he caught my wrist and opened one eye to silently glare at me. I didn't back down this time and instead glared back. It turned into a game of strength; he pushed my wrist towards me while I did the same to him, our hands shaking ever so slightly at our energy. He might be stubborn, but I am the same.

Eventually, he gave up, turning back around with a scoff. I smiled at the slight, happily resuming the action of running my fingers through his hair. Of course I should win this little contest. If he wanted to use my lap as a pillow then he should let me do what I want.

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