Zancrow x Reader | Possibilities

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『 Possibilities 』

In the face of the setting sun, a lone girl stood atop a mountain summit, overlooking the vast and seemingly endless sea below her. In front of her, the ocean reflected back the beautiful red and orange hues of the sunset.

"Time to go [Name], the key's been found. We just need to find the last few ones now and we'll awaken Zeref," A guy with long blond hair stepped off the ship that floated in the sky. "We'll be able to bring forth the Ultimate Magic World."

"Zancrow... Is this is really right? What if he kills us instead?" [Name] asked, following him onto the ship.

"What? You scared? Fear is for the weak and weak people don't belong in our guild!" Zancrow grabbed the girl's arm harshly as a firm reminder. She didn't flinch nor react and only stared back at him.

"Of course not, but I'm only wondering. There's thousands of possibilities out there, some dying by the minute because of our choices. What if in another universe, we chose an alternate path?" She asked, her eyes looking off into the distant horizon. "But I guess I already chose this path... towards that world. I will not let anything or anyone get in the way of my goal. You don't have to remind me."

She turned at the last part, walking the rest of the way onto the ship and towards her room. As she did, a sigh escaped her lips as she quietly apologised to the boy she left behind.

You could say, that [Name] [Surname] was mysterious. Not a single soul knew her magic, not even the master. She only recently joined, but only because Hades saw a great potential and magic power from her.

Little did anyone know who she really was.

After night fell upon the world, [Name] left her room and headed to the front of the flying ship. She whistled three, soft notes, causing a bird to appear out of nowhere.

"She flies when the stars shine,
With key in hand,
Prepare for her homecoming.
She brings positive results,
Anything for a better world." She murmured in a voice that was almost impossible to hear. "Bring that to the guild and stay there."

After the bird gave a curt nod, it disappeared, leaving the girl alone on unfamiliar territory. The breeze blew through her locks, making her look almost ethereal under the moonlight.

"How sad... these people once walked the path of light, but now have been pulled onto a path full of nothing but glooming shadows and twisted lies," she said to no one but the full moon, looking up at the starless sky. "I would help them, give them another chance, but how am I to know if they will walk that bright path once again?"

She lifted her hands to reveal a crystal ball. After glancing at the image inside once, a soft smile appeared on her lips. One could say that it was almost heartbroken.

"The not so insane version of him is quite nice," she spoke sadly. "But that's just one of those possibilities that won't ever exist in this world. I've looked at all the possibilities of us Zancrow, Grimore Heart, but as much as I would love to, I can't make them come true."

~~~ Meanwhile ~~~

"Master, she's brought a message" a white haired girl spoke up, immediately stopping the fight happening. It was a feat that even Ezra hasn't managed til now.

"She?" Lucy questioned, looking around the guild. "Do you mean the other S-Class Mage?"

"[Name] is coming back?" Gray asked, fist close but not yet touching Natsu's face.

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