Zeref x Reader | A Story With No End | AU

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Very rushed idea. It sounded great in my head at first, but I don't think I wrote it as well as I wanted to. I hope you like it anyway, though that would be quite a stretch.

I'm just trying to shorten my list before the holidays end for me, that's why my stories feel quite rushed.

I hoped that you noticed, I finish all my stories with '~~~ End ~~~'. I didn't just that at the end for a reason.

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

Once upon a time...

No wait, this is no fairy tale. I cannot begin this story like this. I'll start again.

There was once a girl who stood out from the rest in an mundane world. She had a hidden power running through her veins, one that was wanted by many others.

There was once a boy who blended into the dark world. He was born and raised in the shadows as a part of a group who aimed to take over the kingdom.

Their fates and destinies were intertwined with each other. That was what the Gods decided before they were born.

She was named [Name] and he was named Zeref.

She had the power to bring life to others while he killed others to survive.

The organisation which Zeref was a part of wanted [Name] dead because of the trouble her power could bring to their plan to overthrow the King.

And so, Zeref, the boy who showed no emotions was sent to the village where [Name] lived.

He went with intentions to gain her trust and then kill her in a secluded part of town. He had a plan, just like he always did.

Trick and deceive, then kill. Quick and easily. Just like always.

But that plan didn't follow through. The plan was discarded as soon as he met [Name].

He had faked an injury, collapsing on the side of the path. [Name] had without a moment of hesitation brought him back to her house when she found him laying there.

She had easily healed him and offered him nothing but warmth and kindness.

The planned few days which he was meant to stay with her grew into long weeks.

They fell in love.

But nothing lasts forever. Zeref was found by the organisation and ordered to kill her within a few days.

He tried to defy at first, but it was no use. They held control over him and he found himself pointing a blade at [Name] a few hours later.

He had tears running down his face. He had shed more tears than the girl who was about to die by his hands.

[Name] on the other hand, showed no signs of fear and had smiled at him. She had told them that she loved him.

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