Edolas! Hughes x Reader | Cruel Fate

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Requested by AbbyBaskerville

『 Cruel Fate 』

I looked out the tower window, expecting to see something different, but of course it's the same. The same boring city scene. I turned away.

They all think that this is an easy job, they all think that being in the royal family meant having the perfect life.

They are wrong. It is hard. Hard watching your kingdom slowly die because of father.

There is only one thing in this place that I look forward to. The chance that my elder brother might come back.

After Jellal ran away, I've been locked in my room by myself, my father was afraid of losing me, the only heir left to the throne. That's all he saw me as.

I would've run away, if only there weren't guards in front of my door.

I sighed once again before looking out my window, only to see a bird, soaring freely through the sky.

I wish to be like that, to be free and not have a care in the world. But I know that'll never happen. Not in a million years.

I looked down once again to see the purple haired captain walking around. Hughes.

I've seen him many times as he walked past. I've seen him joke around, and only I would wish to do something like that.

I watched longingly as he laughed with his fellow captains. I sighed once again.

"Princess? The King has requested your presence at a meeting" Coco rushed in the doors.

"I'm coming" I sighed, looking at the mirror. I snatched the tiara off the desk and placed it on my head, moving out the door.

Two guards followed me and Coco as we walked, every servant in sight bowed down to me.

I made a mental note to make sure that this doesn't happen if I were to somehow take the throne.

As we reached the meeting room, I sighed, preparing myself for another bizarre and useless talk.

I walked in, with Coco announcing my presence. I sat in the seat next to Father, keeping my head down.

"Now that you're here, we can finally start the meeting" Father started, not sparing a glance at me. "Our magic supply is low and is likely to run out any minute"

"Your Majesty, the Fairy Tail guild is still reluctant to disband and is still on the run" Captain Erza spoke up. I frowned. Do they have to disband? From what I've heard, they were like family.

As the meeting dragged along, I couldn't help but space out. Till a single suggestion brought me back.

"Your Majesties, we could possibly take the magic of Earthland wizards now" Byro suggested. "We could possibly make one more Anima."

"Yes, yes, excellent idea Byro. I almost forgot about that old plan." Father whispered, as though talking to himself.

"Is it right though?" I asked quietly.

"Could you repeat that Your Highness?" Hughes asked me, as though he was he only one who heard me.

"Is it right to take things that are not ours?" I asked.

"I have told you many times [Name], a princess must do what is best for her kingdom. How many times do I have to repeat that until it is in your head?" Father asked.

"A ruler must do what is right for their kingdom and others around it. Taking something that is not rightfully ours will have great consequences for Edolas" I countered, speaking up.

"When you are ruler, you will understand my reasons. The meeting is adjourned. Go back to your room [Name]." He stood, heading towards the door.

"I'll never understand someone as cold hearted and selfish as you." I stayed before turning on my heel to walk off. I heard footsteps rushing towards me.

"Princess! You have to apologise to the King, he has his reasons and they are all for the well being of the kingdom" Hughes called from behind me. I grit my teeth when I heard him cal my title.

"Fine, if want to have it that way then go back to him. But I won't say I told you so" I walked faster to my room, slamming the door.

"Princess!" I heard him call.

"I wish they wouldn't call me that" I said sadly to myself. "Because they'll never see me as [Name]. I'll only be 'Princess' to them. I'll never be free."


I hurried down the stairs. This isn't right. This isn't happening, I have to help them!

I lifted my [Favourite Colour] dress up a bit, as to not get it dirty. As I turned the corner, I thought time stopped as I passed a woman the same as me. I whipped my head around, seeing her [Hair Colour] hair and [Eye Colour] eyes.

She wore grey shorts and a [Favourite Colour] crop with laced up boots.

"Who are you?" We asked at the same time.

Suddenly, as though like magic, I saw a whole life flash before my eyes. It took me a few seconds to realise that it was hers.

A child, messy and dirty living happily with her family, smiling and laughing. A teen, finding friends that comforted her, stayed with her. And now, laughing happily once again with her friends, going on adventures and having fun.

Nothing that I ever had, yet everything that I ever want.

And I look back at myself, as a child, practising posture and being educated, envying the other children who were running around in the muddy fields outside. A teen, sitting alone at the large lonely dining table, eating slowly and silently, and now, being locked, alone in the room, crushing on someone I'll never get.

"You're me..." I said.

"But not..." she finished. "You're a princess"

"You're a wizard..." I was still amazed. How can different people, with different dreams and lives be the same person?

"Get them!!" A voice yelled behind us.

Four people rushed passed us.

"Hurry up [Name]!! We've got to go!" The pink haired boy grabbed me.

"You idiot! That's the Edolas one!" Another boy yelled at him. "[Name] would never dress up fancy like that"

"Get your hands off the princess!" I heard someone yell from behind us. Suddenly, I was dragged away from the group, behind the familiar white cloak.

"Run idiots!" A blonde girl yelled, pulling the other me along.

"Coco! Get the princess back! We can't lose the next heir to the throne of Edolas!" Hughes turned to look at Coco before running up the stairs.

Of course. They can't lose the next heir. I'm no longer a person... I seem like an object now...

I watched as he went, my face falling. If I was a normal girl, then maybe, just maybe, he might have looked at me. I watched his white cloak disappear as it got smaller and smaller.

Fate is cruel, she was a wizard, a free girl, what I wished to be while I was a princess, royalty, what she wanted to be.

Why are our lives this different? I know I'll never be free, whether Jellal comes back or not, my duties will always be to the kingdom.

I'll never be seen as myself. Just the Princess of Edolas, my title.

『 Cruel Fate - End 』

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