Gajeel x Reader x Laxus | Kingdom | AU | Part 2

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Yeah, I'm sorry for this. I have half a mind to start again but it's 2000 or so words long and I spent days writing it so...

I'm sorry ^^

And also, please don't question my intelligence when I state that it's a certain date when I publish chapters. I live in Australia, in a different timezone to what I would assume is most of you. (Most times, we could be one day ahead)

Published: 2nd of April, 2018

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

[Name] watched as they rode past the once beautiful lands of her kingdom.

She remembered how it was once such a vivid and lush green, with colourful flowers that decorated the plains.

But now, it was a dull yellow, with wilted flowers that littered it.

To think that it has only been a few months since her father's rule. To think that this new king was this incompetent.

The sun was slowly settling and they had only just reached a forest, which despite the light that remained, was dark.

It gave off an unsettling feeling, one which [Name] ignored.

She had said before that the borders of the next country were only a few towns over, but that was only partly true. Only a few towns separated [Name]'s country and the other, but the trek in between was more than a day's trip.

"We're gonna have to camp here for the night, [Name]," Gajeel spoke up as he rode along beside her and Laxus.

"This forest doesn't feel right. It'll be too dangerous, Princess," Laxus spoke up before she had the chance to reply.

"What, you scared now?" Gajeel challenged, to which Laxus scoffed at.

The two began yet again another argument, which [Name] promptly ignored.

She looked at the forest ahead as the horses slowed down.

"We'll have to camp here for the night. Beyond this forest is the neighbouring kingdom. If we cross it in the middle of the night, we may be mistaking for spies or enemies," [Name] told the two, ending the dispute immediately.

The two finally agreed and started to set up camp under the trees, a slight bit away from the path. [Name] attempted to go find some firewood, but was quickly stopped by Gajeel.

"Now where do you think you're going?" he asked

"To help?" [Name] said, questioning whether he was going to let her.

"Your guard's already gone to get the firewood. He told me specifically to watch over you,"

"But I would've been fine!" [Name] complained.

"Sorry but I agree with him. This forest is known to have dangerous creatures in it. What are you gonna do if you face one? Ask it to move?" Gajeel asked her seriously. [Name] looked away, knowing that what he said was true.

She had been a princess her entire life and had therefore never been allowed to pick up a sword or any other weapons.

She hadn't believed it to be necessary. She was skilled in sneaking out of the castle grounds undetected, but it wouldn't prove to be much use.

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