Bickslow x Reader | Missed You

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Requested by Neverletgoandlive

As I've mentioned in the previous oneshot, I have no idea how to write Bickslow, but I've tried my best!

Don't mind the title, had no idea what to title it. Promise it's not a sad one!!

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

Bickslow sat with the Thunder Legion, at a table, looking around for someone. Freed noticed his behaviour and sighed, taking a sip from his glass.

"When did she say she was coming back?" He asked Bickslow.

"She said a few weeks. It's been a few months at the least" Bickslow sighed, finishing his drink.

"Least, least, least"

"I actually got word of where she is, want to know?" Evergreen asked, fanning herself.

"What? How? When's she coming back?" Bickslow immediately turned to her.

"Back, back, back"

"Well I went shopping for new clothes the other day. One of the employees mentioned seeing a [Hair Colour] haired girl around Hargeon town" Evergreen leaned on her arm. "So she should be back any day"

"What's [Name] doing hanging around there?" Bickslow asked, laying his head on the table.

"There, there, there"

"Because I got tired of your helmet so I took it upon myself to get you a new one!" A girl's voice interrupted Freed as he opened his mouth.

They all looked up to see the [Hair Colour] haired girl with a closed eye smile on her face. She leaned on the back of Bickslow's seat.

"Heyo" She waved as Bickslow pulled her in a hug.

"[Name]! You're back!" He grinned.

"Back, back, back"

"You missed me?" She asked.

"Well, Bickslow more than the rest of us" Evergreen smiled.

[Name] proceeded to take off Bickslow's helmet, swapping it for a newer one in a millisecond, making Bickslow pull back.

"There! Found this in Hargeon Town, thought it might be a nice change" She grinned, pulling out a mirror for Bickslow to see.

"Hell yeah! Thanks [Name]!" he grinned, tongue showing.

"Thanks, thanks, thanks"

"[Name]?" Makarov's voice asked from the bar.

"Hey Master! I'm back!" [Name] waved, grin still on her face. "Sorry for taking so long! Ran into a few troubles on the way"

"It's fine my child, as long as you're back safe" he grinned, chugging another mug. "We're having a party tonight! For [Name]'s safe return!"

"He hasn't changed in a few months" [Name] pointed out, the Thunder Legion agreeing with her.

"Ah wel-"

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