Gajeel x Reader | Hidden

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This idea just came to be while I was trying to fall asleep, so even now, I'm still trying to decide whether it's a good idea or not. Sorry. 

Published: 21st of January, 2018

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

When Gajeel finally returned to Fairy Tail after seven long years, the first thing he thought of was the companion that he used to talk to.

Where was she now?

And so, he left the guild quite quickly to contact her. He took out the communication lacrima that she had given him, all those years ago.

It was quite small and black, unlike any other lacrima that he's seen.

Gajeel tapped it thrice against the wall and waited for a response. It was almost immediate as a voice called out from the lacrima.

"Gajeel? Is that really you?!"

"Who else would I be?" Gajeel answered, smiling slightly.

He looked inside the lacrima, but it was always the same. Black and shadowy.

She was hidden from view, just like every other time they talked. He eventually got used to it some time ago. At least she was there.

"You're back! It so great to see you again!" She exclaimed.

He didn't even know her name and yet, she was special to him.

Gajeel noticed that her voice had changed. It sounded older now, like music to his sensitive ears.

"Yeah. Great to hear you to"

"So, tell me. What in the world happened? How did you disappear for seven years? I tried to contact you, I really did but the lacrima didn't work!"

And so, Gajeel started explaining everything, leaving out nothing as he explained.

She listened to him just like she always did. In the past, she always gave him advice and listened quietly to his rants.

He trusted her a lot for some odd reason. He never knew why, but he trusted his instincts.

She never talked about herself though, which frustrated Gajeel a bit. He wanted to know about her, yet she refused to talk about herself.

"Really? So you haven't aged?" she asked, intrigued. 

"I just said that didn't I?" Gajeel asked. He could hear her laugh from the other end. 

"I realise. So, is Fairy Tail planning to participate in the Grand Magic Games?" 

"The what?" 

"Then Grand Magic Games silly, where all of the legal guilds in Fiore compete for the time of the number one guild. Sabertooth currently holds that title" 

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