Gray x Reader | Baking | Part 2

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Requested by EmoTigerLovesYou

Sorry this is really late, had not inspiration writing this...

(I realise that's a classic excuse but what did you expect? That I was too busy fighting dragons and defending the earth? Haha... nope)

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

[Name] placed the cupcakes for Erza in a bag, which she later placed in the fridge. She turned back to Gray, a smile constantly on her face.

"So, what do you want to do?" She asked, tilting her head.

"Whatever you want. I don't mind" Gray simply answered.

"Really? Okay then!" [Name] clapped her hands, taking Gray's arm. Eyes shining.

She grabbed her bag from behind the door and walked out, dragging Gray along.

She dragged him to the park, excited. It was an amazing day. The sun was shining brightly and the sky was a beautiful shade of blue.

The lake in the park was a truely wonderful sight. A reflection of the sky.

"Come on Gray! Smile! It's such a nice day today, don't you think?"

"It's always a nice day with you"

"Awe~" [Name] smiled, turning to look at him. "Thank you"

[Name] dragged Gray around, her eye always darting around the place, searching for a certain blue cat. 

She continued to chat with Gray, rambling on topics as she dragged him along the park.

Gray didn't seem to particularly mind as he smiled at her enthusiasm. The fact that she didn't seem to remember his birthday didn't seem to affect him.

Out the corner of her eye, [Name] saw a spot of blue. Behind the tree in front of the lake.

She blinked, dragging Gray the opposite direction in case he saw Happy.

"What is it?" Gray asked, noticing her odd behaviour.

"Nothing. I just thought that I want ice cream" [Name] smiled up at him.

"I'll go get some, stay here alright?" Gray leaned down, kissing her before turning away.

"Kay! You're the best!" [Name] smiled, waiting for him to be far enough.

"Alright Happy, out with it" she didn't turn around.

"[Name]! They've finished everything!" Happy flew in front of the [Hair Colour] haired girl.

"Seriously? That was quick" [Name] said, a finger to her lips.

"Yup! You can bring him to the guild now!" Happy exclaimed, excited.

"Go to our apartment, I've left the smallest window open. The cake's in the fridge alright? You can't miss it"

"Got it! I'll be off! Max Speed!"

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