Midnight x Daughter! Reader | Inferior

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Sorry that this took half a year or so to complete, I've been quite stressed with school and tests... I'm so done... but that's not a good excuse at all so I'll stop complaining. I'm so behind on requests, it's not even funny...

I meddled around with a lot of different ideas about this and I liked this one the best. It was also kinda why I took so long?

But my new high school has been great so far ^^. It's really amazing and I've made a lot of friends who I definitely think will last beyond uni. Please leave feedback in the comments <3.

The next one shot will be a part two to an existing one... yay...

[Not Edited]

Published: 1st of August, 2018

~~~ Start ~~~

You know, my life was perfectly 'normal' as a child.

I had a 'family', 'friends' and was 'perfectly fine'. I blended in. I never stood out, not once in my mundane life.

I was an ordinary child.

I hated it more than anything.

"Move aside stupid girl, learn your place,"

"I don't have time for ordinary children like you, why couldn't you be better?"

"Do you see her? Why aren't you like her? What need do I have for someone like you?"

The village where I lived did not like ordinary children like me. They shunned them – shunned me – as outcasts. You could be loved for many reasons. If you were beautiful if you were unique and if you had magic. If you were different in a good way, then you were loved.

However, I was unlucky enough to be one of the ordinary people in my village.

I was a normal child, but yet I was considered to be vastly inferior to many other children. I was told that as a little child when I didn't even comprehend the meaning of those words.

The words 'You're a disappointment' were repeated day after day. I heard it so many times that it became unnatural for those words to not be said to me. If no one bothered to talk to me in order to say those words, then I said it to myself.

I am a disappointment.

Why can't I be better?

Why am I so useless?

Those are questions that no one told me the answer to.

I wanted a place where someone as worthless as me could be accepted but I knew that would never happen in the village.

Even so, I couldn't bring myself to run away. I wasn't good enough to get what I want. I wasn't good enough to be loved and accepted anywhere.

And so I endured it. The days grew longer and longer as I shrank into solitude.

But there was one night that changed it all.

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