Freed x Reader | Secret | Part 2

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Requested by That_Tall_Chick

Thank you so much for waiting. Your message was really sweet meant a lot ^^. I know that I'm a mess and it's been an entire year but here it is. (Part one was annoying me so I changed basically the entire thing)

『 Secret 』

Everybody has secrets; from the smallest insignificant ones to the ones that might just impact the world, they all exist.

Trust is something earned and not given. It is a precious thing that proves a bond between two or more people.

It hurt to be betrayed by the one who you trusted. It was a pain unlike any other.

[Name] felt that very pain; she knew it like the back of her hand.
The one who she trusted most was the one who had betrayed her. They had been the best of friends ever since they were mere infants, but all those years together - all those happy memories they shared - became void after a single action.

It definitely was difficult having to hide away from someone you once depended on so heavily. It wasn't easy having to get used to her best friend's absence.

She didn't know who to trust afterwards, which is why she chose to stop believing in mages. Eventually, she even started to despise her magic and power, the things that were the root of the problem.

"Where are you headed now?"
[Name] looked up from her thoughts to the green-haired male who sat opposite of her.

She distrusted everyone but this man in front of her was an exception.

This was only their second meeting but yet she had already seemed to open up to him. By chance, they had both managed to end up in the same town once again to complete the same job.

They had just finished and were about to head their own ways.

"I... planned on travelling for a bit more..."

"I'm that case, would you care to accompany me today?"


She didn't reply but Freed patiently waited for her answer. Eventually, she nodded and stepped closer to him.

"Where are we going then?"

"Would you mind going to the bookstore in this town? I've heard that it's quite the collection,"

It may have seemed like a simple request, but it made [Name]'s eyes light up quite brightly. She nodded immediately, making Freed smile as he led the way.
[Name] followed after him with a slight spring in her step, her hood trailing behind her.

When they finally arrived at the store, Freed showed [Name] to the very corner of the store that was full of leather-bound books.

"What is it?" she asked him.

"I recognised that the book you were reading last time was to do with Lost Magic. I came to the conclusion that you might have been trying to find out more about your own magic,"


"This section of the store is all about that type of magic,"

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