Freed x Laxus' Sister! Reader | Don't Tell Him | Part 2

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Again, quite rushed. I come back to this eventually, I just want to get to the end of the list because everyone who was kind enough to request one shots for me has been waiting for way too long. I'm sorry abut that.

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

A few weeks later, [Name] walked into the guild, heading straight to the second floor. They had all agree to take another job and it was [Name]'s turn to chose.

"[Name], where's Laxus?"  Makarov asked the girl from the bar, sipping his drink.

"He's at our house with the others. I'm picking the job this time" [Name] answered, leaning over the balcony. She looked at the mission board, eyes scanning over each one for a brief second.

She took what seemed like the hardest one, walking back down the stairs to give it to Mira.

"Tell everyone to be careful alright?" Mira told her, handing back the job request. "This request was sent over from another guild, since their best members couldn't complete it"

"We're always careful" [Name] assured her, smiling. "Take care of Grandpa for me"

"Of course" Mira smiled while Makarov spat out a bit of his drank.

"How old do you think I am you Brat?!" he asked while [Name] only grinned cheekily before slipping out the doors of the guild.

She walked back to the house, where everyone was gathered outside the door, ready to go. [Name] smiled, showing them the job as they walked to the train station.

"Mira said to be careful" [Name] warned, walking beside Freed. Laxus scoffed, adjusting his fur coat. [Name] narrowed her eyes at him. "You have a problem with something?"

"Now, now, don't get started. We haven't even left Magnolia yet" Evergreen told them as they walked on the train.

"She / He started it" They both said a the exact same time. They glared at each other as soon as the words left their mouths.

"Man, you really are siblings" Bickslow laughed, his dolls chanting back.

"No, I am not having this again" Evergreen complained under her breath, seeing only four empty spots on the busy train. "Freed, you and [Name] go find different seats. I am not going to sit through your arguments for a whole train ride"

Her words were directed to Laxus and [Name], who both rolled their eyes. Before Laxus could think of asking why Freed was going with [Name], the two left.

They sat down in a different compartment to the rest. [Name] immediately started complaining about Laxus, to which Freed listened to her rambling without a single complaint.

"Say, do you think that it'll be better if we tell Laxus?" [Name] asked, leaning her head on the window.

"If you think we should, then I agree" Freed answered. "What changed your mind?"

"It got boring. He clearly knows that I have a boyfriend. He still hasn't figured that it's quite obviously you" [Name] said, standing up and moving to sit beside Freed. "My brother is white daft"

"Are you tired? Did something happen?" He asked as she leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Yeah" [Name] briefly said as she closed her eyes. "I didn't sleep much"

Freed didn't press for the girl for anything else, knowing that the stubborn girl wouldn't want to answer him. Freed knew that when she tells him that she didn't sleep much, it meant that she had a nightmare.

A nightmare that terrified her so much that she refused to speak about it. Not to her friends, not to her brother, not to her boyfriend.


Days later, the Thunder Legion and the Dreyar siblings sat on a train to return to Magnolia, mostly unscathed. The beast wasn't that difficult for them to beat.

At least, that's what it seemed.

[Name] had found it first and was the one who it had mostly concentrated on. It had showed her her nightmare again, replayed it in her mind. Used her fear of it against her.

But she had shook it out of her head, refusing to let the nightmare interfere with getting in her way. Yet, afterwards, when they were on the train, it bothered her to the point where she didn't speak much for the entire ride back.

She sat, eyes almost glazed as she stared out the window. She didn't even respond to Laxus' taunts. It worried everyone, but [Name] couldn't even explain it herself.

She felt as though the nightmare was still haunted in her mind. It slowly ate at her consciousness, slowly making her more terrified that it'll come true.

She felt Freed stand up and she grabbed his arm by instinct. Laxus rose an eyebrow, not understanding what it was about.

"[Name], we're at Magnolia" Freed told the girl, who showed no reaction and she grabbed his arm tighter. He frowned slightly and helped her stand up. "It might have something to do with the beast we fought"

"Let's get her back to the guild" Laxus said and they all agreed. Laxus attempted to pick his sister up, but she refused to let go of Freed.

So instead, Freed hurriedly picked the girl up, following everyone off the train. He didn't understand what had happened to her. He should have protected her better.

They brought [Name] back to the guild, silently informing only Makarov about [Name]'s situation since they didn't want others to worry and crowd around her.

Makarov instantly got Mira to call Wendy as Freed laid [Name] on a spare bed. She didn't lay down but sat up, keeping her clutch on Freed's sleeve tight.

"Don't leave me..." she whispered, just as Wendy rushed in. Her [Eye Colour] eyes showed terror as her body started shaking slightly.

"Just relax, I won't leave" Freed quietly assured her as Wendy checked on her. At this point, Laxus frowned, poking Evergreen.

"What's Freed's relationship with [Name]? They weren't that close before were they?" Laxus asked. Evergreen smirked slightly before looking at Bickslow.

"You'll have to ask them yourself" Evergreen teased, looking at [Name] and Freed.

"[Name]-San's been lacking sleep. She's exhausting herself too much. It'll be best if she sleeps a bit more" Wendy announced, bowing to them. "[Name]-San, it'll be better if you talk about your nightmare to someone. They can help you then"

"Thank you Wendy" Freed told her as she left.

"We'll leave you three alone to talk then" Evergreen said, dragging Bickslow out after Wendy.

[Name] looked at the two men in front of her before glancing down, her grip on Freed loosened.

"Don't leave me" she whispered into the silence. "Please don't leave me alone ever again"

Her voice was uncharacteristically quiet as she begged them to not leave her. She's been having dreams about everyone leaving her. That she is alone. She confessed that the nightmares started happening after Laxus left.

Eventually, [Name] fell asleep on the infirmary bed, leaving Freed to talk to Laxus. Telling him that [Name] wanted to keep their relationship a secret because it seemed fun to her at first.

Laxus glared at Freed but then clapped the long green haired man on the shoulder.

"Better you than anyone else. I trust you with her"

~~~ End ~~~

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