Cobra x Mute! Reader | Always Together | Part 2

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Hey! I'm really sorry but I'll get straight to the point. I'm planning to make requests closed for now because I have an overwhelming amount of oneshots to write.

I am also planning to fix up one of my other books because it is way to cringy and continue to develop plots for two of my other books.

I'm spending way to much one on these oneshots... I feel like I'm going crazy.

I admit, it's my fault that I published so many books but then again, who would've ever guessed that this oneshot book that I would get this many requests... I've even made a list... 37 in total... believe me, I am not exaggerating.

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

[Name] brushed a hand through her hair as she walked towards her apartment. She had been out with Sorano, Meredy and Ultear for most of the day.

Celebrating by themselves the fact that they had won.

[Name] placed the notebook that she brought inside her bag. They had said that it was girls only. So Erik wasn't allowed to come.

Because he wasn't there to tell everyone what she was thinking, she had to bring a book to write on.

She checked her phone, seeing a message from Erik. She blinked, not understanding before she hurried her pace.

When she reached her apartment, she found Erik standing by the door, waiting for her with his hands in his pocket.

She tilted her head, confused.

"The assignment that's due tomorrow... I haven't finished it..." Erik muttered, looking away.

[Name] opened the door to her apartment, inviting him inside. [Name] took off her coat and Erik copied, heading to sit on the couch.

"I didn't leave it on purpose. I just forgot about it" Erik answered her question as [Name] walked to the kitchen to get some food and water.

She walked back to where Erik was sitting, the science assignment on the desk. The one that he was meant to write as a report.

[Name] smiled, sitting beside him. She started to explain what he had to write.

"I don't get this stupid report" Erik decided after a while, leaning back on the seat and eating a cookie.

'Come on Erik, I'll show you mine?'

"That's not going to help" Erik complained, laying his head on [Name]'s lap.

The girl rolled her eyes, running a hand through his short hair just as he closed his eyes.

"I ain't cute" he growled.

'I didn't say anything'

Erik turned away, a slight red on his cheeks. [Name] smiled, poking his cheek in reply.

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