Rogue x Reader | Night

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I personally love this concept and think it's really smart. You're a Night Dragon Slayer here and yes, staying out of the sun was the first thing I thought of when I read this concept.

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

A girl sat alone on a hill, under the moonlit sky. A breeze blew past her, making her [Hair Colour] hair ruffle in the wind. She closed her eyes for a second, feeling the magic around her.

[Name] ran a hand through her hair, laying down on the grass, staring at the stars that twinkled above her. Her head laid on her arms as she closed them again, tired.

"What are you doing here?" a voice behind her asked. She looked up to see a shadow above her.

"I was resting" [Name] simply answered, getting sitting up. "Are you two done with sparring?"

"We finished a while ago, Sting ran off into town to eat" Rogue offering a hand to the girl, pulling her off the grass.

"Thanks. Let's go find him then" [Name] brushed the grass of her clothing, sighing. A bored expression on her face. "We don't want a loose Sting to run around the town. The Master will surely kill us"

Rogue nodded, walking ahead while [Name] followed, the both of them completely silent. None of them made a move to talk to the other and both enjoyed the silence. [Name] yawned, covering her mouth.

"Rogue! [Name]!" The two simultaneously winced, covering their ears as Sting came in between them, yelling and disturbing the silence.

"Learn to be quiet"

"We aren't deaf"

The two told Sting, in almost the exact same monotone, continuing to walk, making Sting run to catch up.

"Geesh, you two are so similar, you freak me out" He said, walking with his hand behind his head. Rogue and [Name] ignored him, glancing at each other for a second before looking away.

"Let's just get to the inn" [Name] sighed, turning a corner, both the boys following her. "We have to be prepared for our job tomorrow"

"Right, where's Lector?" Sting asked.

"[Name] left them to sleep in the inn" Rogue answered for [Name].

They walked in through the doors of the inn and [Name] walked straight to her room, opening the door.

"If you don't wake up in time I won't hesitate to slap you until you do" [Name] told the boys in a monotone voice before she closed the door. Sting gulped the slightest bit while Rogue showed no reaction as they walked into their separate rooms.

[Name] walked to the window, staring at the sky before looking down, memories rushing through her head. She changed and laid under the covers, deep in thought before she eventually fell asleep.

Only one boy in her mind.


[Name] knocked at Sting's door. She heard no reply and sighed. She had already been standing there for five minutes, she was lucky she woke up early.

"He still isn't up yet?" Rogue walked next to her and she nodded. "I'll get the spare key"

"Thanks" she told him as he turned to leave. [Name] sighed.

She heard Rogue's footsteps approaching and moved out of the way for Rogue to open the door.

She stepped inside, seeing Sting still on the bed and rolled her eyes. [Name] stood over Sting as he slept, reaching a hand out to grab his ear.

Sting's eyes shot open in pain and he yelped as [Name] dragged him out the bed.

"Ow ow ow! [Name]! Stop it!" He whimpered as [Name] let go, holding his red ear.

"Wake up. No breakfast. You have 10 minutes" [Name] only said, turning around and leaving. Rogue followed, closing Sting's door.

"Fro is hungry" Frosh raised his hand, appearing beside Rogue.

"We're going to eat now, hang in there" Rogue smiled as he picked the exceed up. [Name] smiled too, at the sight of the two.

Rogue, [Name] and Frosh walked out of the inn, to a nearby cafe. The three finished their breakfast in less than 10 minutes and walked out. [Name] immediately stepped into the shade.

"Hey! Wait!" Sting ran towards them, out of breath. They stopped, waiting for Sting and Lector.

"Man, I'm hungry" Lector complained, stomach growling and flying behind Sting. [Name] took out a small bag, handing it to Lector, who looked inside.

"Fish!! You're the best [Name]!" Lector praised. [Name] only nodded.

"Let's hurry up then" [Name] placed a hand over her head as she stepped out, blocking the sun from her face, quietly muttering to herself. "I hate this sun"

"The forest is dense, it should block you from the sun. We'll take that path" Rogue spoke after hearing [Name] complain.



After the three dragon slayers took care of the dark guild they started to walk back. The sun was still high in the sky and [Name] silently glared at it, hiding slightly behind Rogue.

"I'm hungry..." Sting complained loudly beside her. [Name] looked over, reaching in her pocket and handing Sting a small packet.

"Here. Stop complaining"

"What!? You had this the whole time?!" Sting yelled, snatching it. [Name] sent a glare his way, effectively making him go quiet.

The rest of the walk was silent. They walked back to the inn and they grabbed their belongings, heading to the dreaded train station.

Rogue and Sting lagged behind, dreading the train ride while [Name] rushed to get out of the sun.

She patiently waited for the boys to get on the train. Rogue entered first, seating next to the window. [Name] sat in his shadow, making sure that Sting didn't sit opposite her.

She hated the sun and stayed out of its dreaded light whenever she could. It didn't hurt her, but she just felt uncomfortable and felt it draining her power. She didn't trust it.

She looked over at the two boys, seeing them desperately trying to not show weakness. She knocked Sting out, unable to stare at his weak state.

Rogue ended up laying on [Name]'s lap closing his eyes, a slight blush on his face. [Name] ran a hand through his hair, the other hand casting a spell to block the light.

She didn't show it, but she was really happy she had found people like Sting and Rogue. A best friend and a boyfriend.

A rare smile appeared on her face as she leaned backwards, closing her eyes. Enjoying the moment before they returned to the depressing guild.

The depressing guild that always gave off an aura that was as dark as night. As dark as the dull night sky when the moon and stars weren't visible.

~~~ End ~~~

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