Cobra X Midnight's Sister! Reader | Comrades | Part 2

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Requested by Raven332

This'll probably be the last part two I make in a while. After this, I have one more one-shot to make before I get started on the requested ones. I know I said that I would work on them in the holidays, but a total of 34 requests came in like less than a week and a lot of stuff came up when I was in China so I wasn't able to write. I'm really sorry about this delay, but I promise that I'll do my best to write as many as possible.

Also I reread the first part and I'm horrified, how in the world did you guys actually liked that? Anyway I reread it once and I definitely don't want to go through the torture again so sorry for any continuity issues that may appear?

Also, Valentines Day is approaching so I'm gonna be a proper Wattpad author and exploit this event :D

[Not Edited]

『 Comrades 』

[Name] - Third Person

"Boo!" [Name] shouted, dropping down from the tree just as Erik walked past. He rolled his eyes playfully at her antics.

"Heard you coming from a mile away," he told her, hands tucked into the pockets of his jacket.

The girl opposite him pouted in retaliation, and ended up rushing to catch up when he walked past without sparing her a glance. "Aw, I thought I really had you that time,"

"You never will, your heart's too loud,"

"Well I'm sorry for being alive," she muttered, placing a finger to her chin as she started thinking of new ideas. A slight smirk tugged on Erik's lips at her words.

"Jumping out of water will only earn you a cold," he said out of nowhere.

"I told you to stop that!" [Name] whined, roughly punching his bicep. Erik didn't so much as flinch at the contact, which only made her pout more. "Do that again and I'm breaking up with you."

"You've said that before didn't happen did it?" the Dragon Slayer immediately retorted, swinging an arm around her shoulder to bring her closer.

She rolled her eyes playfully as she concentrated on closing off her mind to him. "We'll I'm really mad this time, but I'll let you off I suppose,"


"For a fee of course," [Name] sang, leaning her head slightly on his shoulder. "And you won't be able to get in my head this time~"

Erik's eyes narrowed at her as he attempted (and failed) to figure out what she was implying. He barely paid attention to their surroundings as they got closer and closer to the camp.

"What do you want?"

She faked a gasp. "You don't know what tomorrow is?"

"That's why I'm asking genius,"

[Name] snickered as she quickly slipped away from him, moving out of his grasp. Erik, on the other hand frowned slightly at the giant grin on her face. "Then that's for me to know and you to find out," she told him whilst pulling a face before she ran away.

"Oi!" Erik ran after her, but he was a late to grabbing her. She had already started dragging her brother in the opposite direction. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "If you're trying to be sneaky, don't."

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