Sting x Reader | Brat

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Requested by nightfurygirl48

So, the reader is a male for this one. I didn't really know how to write this, but hey, I tried. (And failed)

This is such a bad oneshot... I'M SO SORRY!!! I don't know what I wrote... the only warning here is that it's a horrible oneshot 😣😭😭

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

[Name] yawned as he walked down the streets, heading towards Sabertooth, his bag swung over his shoulder.

It's been a few years since he has gone back to the guild. To be perfectly honest, he was half afraid of returning to his Master yelling in his face.

He had taken five years to complete a decade quest. Of course, that could be counted as a achievement in itself, but of course, nothing was ever good enough for Master Jiemma.

He walked to the doors, opening them. He only looked down the slightest, scratching his neck.

"Yeah, look Master..." he began, looking up to be greeted with silence. The chair that Jiemma used to sit on was no longer there.

"Hey! [Name]'s back!" A member yelled.

"Someone get Master Sting!"

"Master Sting?" [Name] thought for a second before he burst out laughing, clutching his stomach.

"What the hell [Name]? What's so funny about that?" Sting appeared on the second floor, standing at the door to his office.

"Haha, sorry, I just never, haha, thought that I would here those two words together" [Name] breathed out in between fits of laughter.

"Bastard! I can be responsible" Sting rolled his eyes as he walked down the stairs.

"You see a best friend after 5 years and the first thing you call him is a bastard?" [Name] asked, grinning.

"Well good to see that you're alive, come, you've got to meet the new members! After Jiemma left, loads of people have been joining us!"

[Name] followed Sting around as Sting starting introducing him to every new member.

If people said that Sting and Rogue were close, it is possible to say that Sting and [Name] were closer; both in personality and bond.

They were both friendly and outgoing, with Rogue being the one to keep them in check. Now, especially after Jiemma was gone, [Name] could relax and feel safe in the guild. 

"So much happened in 5 years [Name]! You won't believe me! Sabertooth has made lots of friends--" Sting rambled on but [Name] was only half listening.

"It was only in the last few months right after the Grand Magic Games" Rogue walked over, correcting Sting.

"Well, that makes more sense on why I haven't heard about it" [Name] said, dropping his bag on a seat. "That's false information you've given me there my friend"

"No. I just phrased it wrong" Sting scoffed, leaning on the table. "It wouldn't have had made a difference"

"Yeah, sure you did Sting" [Name] chuckled, punching him lightly. "Don't be a brat about it"

"I'm not!"


A few days later, the three Dragon Slayers ended up on a mission, with Yukino watching the exceeds.

Of course, Sting and [Name] had to physically drag Rogue away from Frosch, but in the end, the two succeeded with Rogue in a terrifyingly bad mood.

"Lighten up man, Frosch will be fine!" [Name] told him, smile wavering the slightest at Rogue's expression.

"Yeah, you can trust Yukino, we're going to Mt. Hakobe anyway, Frosch will freeze" Sting told his best friend.

"Whatever" Rogue scoffed slightly, crossing his arms. Sting and [Name] both shared a look of fear before they looked away.

[Name] looked around, not concentrating at all. He was only brought back down to Earthland when he bumped into someone.

"Whoops, sorry Miss, are you alright?" He looked down, giving her a hand. Sting and Rogue both stopped, looking back.

"Yeah, I'm fine, thanks" the blonde girl dusted herself off.

"Hey, you're Lucy right? Natsu's teammate?" Sting was next to speak, spotting the pink Fairy Tail mark on her hand. "Is Natsu here?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, he was right behind me before... I turned around to find him." Lucy smiled.

"Hey! You're from Sabertooth aren't you? What are you doing here?" A new voice entered.

[Name] almost jumped at the sound of his voice. He turned around, spotting his pink hair.

"Hey! Natsu! It's been a while hasn't it?" [Name] grinned.

"Yeah! You're that kid, [Name] wasn't it?" Natsu said after a while.

"That's me!"

"Hey, you know Natsu? From seven years ago?!" Sting looked at [Name] in shock.

"Yeah, I met him while walking around town" [Name] answered casually.

"You didn't tell me?!" Sting asked.

"Oh? That, I forgot, sorry?" [Name] scratched his head.

"Natsu! We have to hurry! Erza's going to kill us!" Happy exclaimed, pulling at his scarf.

"Right! Come on Lucy! Catch you later!" Natsu's eyes widened, grabbing Lucy and Happy, running ahead.

"Bye!" [Name] waved, with Sting still in a state of shock.

"You met my idol and didn't tell me??"

"Oh come off it buddy, I didn't think that you meant Natsu" [Name] rolled his eyes.

Sting only rolled his eyes, crossing his arms like a child. [Name] sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose while Rogue had an unreadable expression on his face.

"Don't be a brat, we were like 10 at the time, what could you have done?" [Name] asked, but gained no reply. "The most you could've done was ask for an autograph"

"I would have not!" Sting's face grew red. "I could've beat him up! And I'm not a brat!"

"Uh huh. Really likely there pal" [Name] laughed.

"Shut up [Name]"

"Only when you've admitted that you're a brat"

"How many times have I said?! I'm not a brat!" Sting yelled, looking away.

"Yup. Definitely not a brat" [Name] smirked, butting his head against Sting's.

"I'm your guild master! You should start respecting me" Sting growled.

"A bratty guild master"

"Can the two of you be quiet for once. You're both brats" Rogue cut in, pushing the two away from each other.

Well, it's safe to say, that [Name] and Sting can be very similar and different at the same time.

~~~ End ~~~

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