Alzack x Jealous! Reader | Hopeless Hope | Part 2

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Wow, for some odd reason, this one was quite popular! I'm sorry in advance for the disappointing second part, I really had no idea what to do.

A lot of people requested, so I just did the first person who asked for a second part which is Taes_bae!

Trigger Warning: May contain suicidal thoughts and mentions of suicide. Please don't read if you aren't comfortable! I'm sorry!

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

[Name] sat by the lake, staring into the water that reflected the stars shining above her.

She closed her eyes, thinking of everything that had happened in her life.

One single thing crossed her mind, the memory that she so vividly remembers. Maybe, that she had taken the job instead of Erza, maybe Bisca wouldn't have been brought to the guild.

Unlike Erza, [Name] would've handed her in to the Magic Council. [Name] would've done as the job asked, to bring Moulin Rouge in custody.

But of course, fate had decided against her and [Name] became sick on the day of the job, causing Erza to fill in for her.

She opened her eyes once again, staring at the clear waters. Soon enough, as though fate was toying with her, [Name]'s magic happened once again.

Ever since Bisca and Alzack had gotten together, [Name]'s magic had gone through changes.

It was once so magical, something that [Name] treasured. She had trusted her magic, that was a bright light. [Name] was a knight as well, her weapons were made of light, made of hope.

But now, as the days passed, [Name]'s magic seemed to start mocking her, bringing reflections to life in the waters, or any reflective surface.

Fate mocked her, showing her alternate realities that could've happened in this world.

She frowned, eyes staring at the happy moments that she could've had. Her light, pure light slowly became dimmer and dimmer, much like her attitude and happiness.

[Name] threw a rock at the reflection, breaking it as it wavered. Her own smile mocked her. Mocked her for not having enough courage to confess.

[Name] leaned back, staring up at the stars. Tears leaked from her eyes as laughter rang in her ears. Ghost laughter from several years ago, when she was still happy.

[Name] sighed, placing her headphones on, that Alzack had given to her last Christmas. Music blasted in her ears, drowning out all the taunting and mocking memories that replayed in her mind.

Slowly, ever so slowly, [Name] drifted off to sleep, her memories all playing in her mind. She held the Music Lacrima close to her heart with her left hand, the other hand behind her head.

She seemed so peaceful, but [Name] was nothing of the sort. She was terribly depressed and was really, really unhealthy.


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