Jellal x Reader | Witch Hunt | AU

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Because why not? I just really liked this song and thought that the story was really intriguing. I honestly love all things that has to do with medieval history.

Be warned, its quite repetitive since I did know what to write... I'm sorry if I insulted anyone. Please keep in mind that she is being burnt for no reasonable reason...

Again, it is very, very rushed.

Song is not by me and nor are the lyrics.

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

Come now, gather around.
Behold such a saddening tale.
Come now, leave not behind your handkerchief,
It may keep you well...

I shall tell you a story, a story that is laced with truth and nothing but the truth.

Perhaps I should warn you though, that there is the possibility of waterworks. Sit down, please, make yourself comfortable.

I hope that this is the last time I have to tell you this exact story.

Do you have your handkerchief? Don't worry, tissues will be fine. You cried last time, I just don't want my shirt to be soaked again.

One time, long long ago, there lived a young witch in the land.
Ah yes, she came to love a young prince, so the story goes...

Long long ago, there was a girl named [Name], who was the epitome of beauty in the place that she lived in.

She had beautiful, long [Hair Colour] hair and shining [Eye Colour] eyes that were like stars in the night sky.

She lived in the capital of the country during a time where witches were hunted. During a time where all witches found were either hung or burnt at a stake.

[Name] was an amazing young lady who spent her time helping others. She was selfless, helpful and unnaturally kind.

But she was a witch.

She was born a witch, something that she had no control over.

She was the person that was being hunted by everyone, and yet she was the person that was admired by everyone at the same time.

She fell for a man who had blue hair and a scarlet tattoo around his right eye.

It just so happened that he was a  prince of the country.

She could remember the first time that she met him, he had been riding through the capital, with many girls, both of noble status and poor alike, who had admired him from afar.

[Name] had only been walking along the path, minding her own business when her leather satchel suddenly spilt.

When she bent down to pick up all her herbs that had been in her satchel, a hand had helped her, handing her a piece of parchment.

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