Natsu x Gray's Sister! Reader | Oblivious and Overprotective | Part 3

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『 Oblivious and Overprotective 』

[Name] agreed to walk with Natsu towards the town, which wasn't far from Magnolia.

"You're the best [Name]! No one else would ever agree to walk instead of taking the train!" Natsu grinned.

"It's nothing. I just don't feel like seeing you puke today" [Name] answered, placing her hands in her pocket. "We just have to walk straight through the forest and we won't get lost"

"Right" Natsu looked up, hands folded behind his head. He saw that the sun was beginning to set.

"Already?" [Name] followed his gaze. She looked ahead, faintly seeing lights. "Well the town's over there, let's hurry up then"

"Whatever you say"

[Name] nodded and started walking faster, with Natsu following right behind her.

The two became silent, which was something [Name] never excepted to happen with Natsu. But she enjoyed it. It was a comforting silence.

After a while, [Name] began to wonder if Natsu was even there. She snuck a glance towards the Dragon Slayer, seeing him looking at something, a barely noticeable blush in his face.

[Name] giggled, not knowing that Natsu would have a quiet side of him.

"Something wrong?" She asked, head tilted slightly.

"N-Nothing" Natsu hesitated for a bit.

"Oh really?" [Name] smirked the slightest, turning around. "What's on your mind?"

"Nothing" Natsu answered, walking faster, passing [Name].

"Hey! Wait! Natsu!" [Name] walked faster to catch up. "Something wrong?"

"It's nothing! I'll tell you later" Natsu grinned, patting the girl's head. [Name] rolled her eyes, grabbing Natsu's hand.

"Natsu Dragneel. Tell me right now or we are catching the train back to Magnolia" [Name] threatened, causing Natsu's face to become pale, which in turn made the blush on his face more visible. However, [Name] didn't see because she was looking ahead.

Natsu muttered out incoherent words, causing [Name] to become even more curious and raise her eyebrow.

"Natsu, I don't know what you just said" she said, looking up at him.

"You said that you like me didn't you?"

"Uh huh" [Name] urged him on, smiling, no idea what the unpredictable boy could say next.


And suddenly, because the author said so, a blast of magic was shot at Natsu and he flew back, crashing into a tree.

[Name] blinked, looking from where the shot came from. She prepared to fight.

"You must be a part of the bandits" She said. "Show yourself, or I'll freeze you"

Figures stepped out of the shadows of the trees, surrounding [Name].

"Hand over your valuables and jewels now and we'll leave you along!"

"Well I can't be bothered" [Name] retorted.

"Start bothering then! Otherwise you'll end up like your partner over there! Dead!" One laughed, pointing over [Name]'s shoulder. The girl only shot a freezing spell at the man in front of her.

More shots were fired from the bandits and [Name] created a shield, quickly dodging the attacks.

"Hey! Natsu! Some help would be great!" [Name] yelled, ducking a blast. She knew that even she couldn't take on a whole bandit group, especially when she didn't know the extent of their magic.

She didn't know whether some of the blasts could kill, but she definitely knew that the thing fired towards Natsu was made of fire.

"Who shot that?!? I'll kill you!!" [Name] heard Natsu yell and quickly jumped out of the way of the fire.

"Wow, you certainly went overboard" [Name] smiled, jumping down, back to back, facing the new circle of bandits that gathered around them.

"Hey, why are there so many?!" Natsu asked, punching a guy away and melting the blast that came towards them.

"I bet it's a dark guild" [Name] told him, creating a frozen shield. "Ice Make; Canon!"

"Fire Dragon Roar!"

The two different blows hit the bandits, or rather dark guild members.

"Last one on my side" [Name] called, kicking that person in the face. She quickly tied everyone up.

"I wasn't done yet! Wake up!" Natsu yelled, shaking a man.

"Natsu, I think they've had enough of a beating" [Name] patted his back, causing the boy to release the poor man, who seemed dazed. "Anyway, what were you going to say?"


[Name] deadpanned, smiling slightly.

"You mentioned something about me telling yo--"

"Ohh! That!" Natsu grinned his usual cheery smile, as though the fight had given him some confidence. "Close your eyes"

"Um... why?" [Name] asked, suspicious.

"I'll tell you after you close your eyes"

"Fine, fine, but nothing funny" [Name] closed her eyes, wanting to see what would happen.

Natsu looked at the girl, the fluttering feeling in his heart staring again, something which he didn't understand. The small blush on his face came automatically as he leaned down.

[Name] blushed when she felt something press against her lips, opening her eyes in surprise.

"Well I like you too!" Natsu grinned, leaning back. [Name]'s legs seemed to suddenly decide to stop working and she fell forward, where Natsu caught her. "Hey! [Name]! Are you okay? Did they hurt you!? I'll kill them!!"

He seemed concerned for (Y/N), who shook her head, blushing madly.

"I-It's not that... w-why did you kiss me?" She stuttered, but Natsu heard what she said.

"Mira told me. Why? Was there something wrong?" Natsu asked, confused.

"N-no, nothing wrong. Let's go hand them in" [Name] stood up. Of course he was still like this. Oblivious that his actions caused her to fall more and more for him.

"Wait" Natsu grabbed her arm, pulling [Name] close to him. Their noses almost touching. [Name] blushed harder if possible.

"W-What is it?"

"You got hurt" his hand carefully caressed her cheek, thumb wiping at the scratch from one of the blasted.

"W-Well it's just a scratch, nothing really" [Name]'s smile didn't waver. "Come on, let's eat some food"

"Yeah!" Natsu swung his arm around the girl. Oblivious that every single one his actions to her caused [Name]'s heart to melt.

『 Oblivious and Overprotective - End

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